The fifth annual CAMLS/NOLA Back to the Book Conference Day is stronger than ever. Fiction generes and readers advisory have long been at the core of this informative conference. That tradition continues with a look at Christian fiction authors and the reason for their recent popularity. RA can be problematic for both the experienced and inexperienced readers advisor when recommending titles for male readers. Discover new ways to serve this segment of your community. A new focus this year is Non-Fiction Readers Advisory. From the PLA conference in February, the library team from Cuyahoga County Public Library will offer the best in non-fiction RA, an often difficult task.
The day is highlighted by presentations from two authors: Jeanne Hauer, Millionaire Women-Success Secrets of 16 Who Made It From Home and Mary Jane Deeb from the Library of Congress. Her titles include Murder on the Riviera , Cocktails and Murder on the Potomac and A Christmas Mystery in Provence.
Mystery, men, millionaires, and more. You won't want to miss this special event.
Note: All registrants will receive a signed copy of Millionaire Women-Success Secrets of 16 Who Made It From Home. There will be a book-signing opportunity for Mary Jane Deeb's books during the day.
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