Workshops Committee Programs Management Training Series Library Leadership Ohio
Every Child Ready to Read
Monday, November 08, 2022
9:30:00 AM - 3:30:00 PM

Cuyahoga County Public Library--Independence Branch

6361 Selig Drive, Independence, Ohio


$45 CAMLS Members
$55 Affiliate Members
$90 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers

Veggie Available

Deadline: Monday, November 01, 2022
Limit: 40
Registered Now: 29
Contact Hours: 5

Fee includes lunch & materials

The Public Library Association and the Association for Library Service to Childrenıs Early Literacy Project began in 2000 with a partnership with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) who had just released the National Reading Panelıs report, providing research-based findings concerning reading development in Americaıs children. The report, Teaching Children to Read: An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and Its Implications for Reading Instruction, had information useful to parents, child care providers and public librarians. A significant aspect of the partnership was to develop model public library programs incorporating this research. Well-known researchers in emergent literacy developed a model program for parents and caregivers. The premise of these research-based materials is to enlist parents and caregivers as partners in preparing their children for learning to read and to provide the most effective methods to achieve this end. Demonstration sites were selected representing a wide range of audiences within the library and the community. The evaluations showed that the information contained in these programs was incorporated into the behaviors of parents - helping them be more effective "first teachers" with their children, and increasing the public libraryıs impact in early literacy development with children.

In addition to these tested programs for parents, librarians tested ways to incorporate these practices into their storytime programs by building in the early literacy information. Storytimes still incorporate quality characteristics as before but also contain some additional information for parents and caregivers concerning the reasons and rewards for reading to children. Library staff who present age-specific storytimes add short instructive phrases to help adults who are present understand how children are benefiting form the activities and show them ways they can facilitate childrenıs literacy development.

This workshop will introduce participants to this project, the research, and the various programs and components of this national initiative.

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    Audience: Youth Services
    Sue McCleaf Nespeca is the founder of Kid Lit Plus Consulting, and 2022 Chair of the Sibert Awards Committee. Kid Lit Plus is devoted to the promotion of early childhood literature ages birth through grade three. Sue has spoken at over 100 workshops and conferences in the United States, on topics related to library programming, early literacy, family literacy and children's literature.

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