Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Twinsburg 8971 Wilcox Drive, Twinsburg, OH
Cost: $130 CAMLS Members $150 Affiliate Members $195 Non-members Free for guests/speakers Veggie Available
Deadline: Thursday, April 14, Limit: 75 Registered Now: 42 Contact Hours: 12
**Notes: Fee includes materials and lunch
Do you want to have influence-even when you're not in charge? You will gain skills to provide leadership within your organization, and to position your organization as a vital entity within your corporate, academic, public or school community.
THIS IS A 2 DAY WORKSHOP (4/21/05 & 4/22/05)
This workshop is co-sponsored by NOLA and CAMLS
(NOLA members pay the same rate as CAMLS members)
For those wishing overnight accommodations, we have negotiated a special rate of $99.
Key Takeaways
This workshop is co sponsord with NOLA