Location: Cuyahoga County Public Library - Maple Heights Regional 5225 Library Lane, Maple Heights, Ohio Map
Cost: $15 CAMLS Members $25 Affiliate Members $50 Non-members Free for guests/speakers
Deadline: Wednesday, May 11, Limit: 100 Registered Now: 91 Contact Hours: 3
Northern Ohio’s economic future depends on innovation and a strategic sense of community. CAMLS annual meeting will examine how libraries, as educational and social institutions, are poised to be important players in the re-growth of our area. Take advantage of our annual meeting to network with colleagues and begin important conversations that could redefine the role of the library and help sustain the wellbeing of our communities.
PROGRAM FORMAT/TIMELINE 8:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 a.m. CAMLS Annual Business Meeting 9:15 a.m. Capabilities of Libraries in Regional Economic Development 9:30 a.m. There will be an interactive panel discussion and various breakout sessions on the theme of "Building Brainpower: The Role of Libraries in Regional Economic Development" 12:00 Noon Meeting Adjourment
Key Takeaways