Tuesday, May 17,
9:00:00 AM - 4:00:00 PM
Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Twinsburg
8971 Wilcox Drive, Twinsburg, OH
Cost: $85 CAMLS Members
$99 Affiliate Members
$169 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers
Deadline: Tuesday, May 10,
Limit: 75
Registered Now: 29
Contact Hours: 6
Fee includes materials and lunch
The Support Staff Conference takes on a new look this year with a keynote presentation each day by broadcast professional Connie Dieken. This energizing keynote will guide you past the communication mistakes and unconscious behaviors which sabotage your power. You'll learn the very latest skills to help you take charge of your life and reach your full potential. Discover a simple methodology to earn respect, be more confident, and start triggering positive results! The conference then offers a general session for all and then two afternoon sessions so that participants can choose the learning experience that fits them the best. On this day registrants will be together for the keynote and for the general session. They will be able to choose one afternoon session.
AM General Session for All
General Session 1:
Keynote: "From Pushover to Power!™ Communication Skills for Today's Professional"
Connie Dieken
General Session 2: TBA
PM Session 1
Leveraging Emotional Intelligence for Workplace Success
Current Research shows that people with high levels of emotional intelligence(EQ) are more successful personally and professionally. By better understanding the emotional landscape, we are much better equipped to manage our own reactions to events in the workplace and more effectively understand and respond to our customers and co-workers.
PM Session 2
Understanding and Interacting with Persons With Mental Illness
Libraries are havens where all are welcome, yet some patron behaviors have us concerned, unsettled and even afraid. Discover how to identify the basic characteristics of mental illness and learn new communication skills. Presenter: Ms. Valeria Harper Bledso, Chief Operating Officer at the Cuyahoga County Community Mental Health Board.
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