WINDOWS NT TRAINING OUTLINE Using the standard desktop: -Desktop rules and basics -starting programs -opening files -finding information -exploring "my" computer -exploring the network -recycling deleted files Using new features of the desktop: -accessing shortcut menus -using wizards -new mouse functions -making desktop shortcuts -Windows NT 4.0 properties -using the mouse for menu commands -printing with Windows NT 4.0 Working in Windows NT 4.0: -multitasking and the taskbar -multiplicity of ways -taskbar options -installing and uninstalling programs File management in Windows NT 4.0: -of files and folders -using Windows Explorer -copy, cut, paste and move commands -using the mouse -Accessing Quikview -using the Recycle Bin -the Find utility -file icons and file types -changing views -opening and saving document files Advanced aspects of Windows NT 4.0: -customizing Windows sessions from Control Panel -adding hardware using a wizard -adding/removing Windows NT 4.0 components -modifying the Start menu -customizing the taskbar Walter Lesch Training Specialist Shaker Heights Public Library wl 1