- Listing of CAMLS libraries with IRS contacts, collection specialities and Internet resources
- Interlibrary Reference Service
- Your Local Connection for Reference Support
- Fax this form to reference colleagues at CAMLS libraries
What has close to 13 million volumes, 350 library outlets, and a boundless supply of knowledge, information, expertise and dedication?
The Answer: The combined resources of the 16 academic, 34 public, 21 special, and 5 school systems in the CAMLS network.
- Outlines procedures for participation in IRS
- The most valuable part of that CAMLS network is the communication that occurs between one librarian with a reference question and another librarian who might have an answer to that question. Such interaction has been going on informally for years. The strength and worth of that network has been available and continues to be available to any CAMLS library.
- Bring the IRS Task Force to your library for free staff training!
- Thanks to Task Force members Linda Chopra, Joanne Billiar and Martin Coyne.
- Since 1990, the CAMLS Advisory Board has unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed the concept of interlibrary reference service among CAMLS libraries, reinforcing the goal of best possible information service to all area library users. At that time, Interlibrary Reference Service Task Force devised simple and direct guidelines to aid any librarian in any CAMLS library in requesting and answering reference queries.