US Cargo Shipping Guidelines
A. Shipping Containers - The following are acceptable types of shipping containers:
Plastic Tubs
9" x 12" or larger envelopes
Canvas Bags
Cardboard Boxes
B. Cardboard Boxes - It is acceptable to use cardboard boxes but only if the boxes are strong and in good condition. Do not pack the cardboard boxes too full. The boxes should be sealed with a strong, reinforced packing tape. Do not use scotch tape for these boxes.
C. Weight Limits - No shipping container can exceed 70 pounds each.
D. Wire Ties - The flaps of the plastic tubs should be secured with wire ties to prevent materials from spilling out.
E. If additional canvas bags are needed, call the CAMLS office: 216-921-3900.
A. Mailing labels must be affixed to the side of all shipping containers. Mailing labels affixed to the top of a shipping container can be hidden when other containers are placed in a stack.
B. Mailing Labels, Return Address. The library's return address must be stamped in the left upper corner of the label.
C. Mailing Labels, Old - You must destroy all old mailing labels attached to any shipping container. This will prevent the materials from being shipped to a previous location.
D. Mailing Labels, Sort Station. It is very important that the Sort Station is on the label. It is in the right upper corner.
E. Mailing Labels, Folded - Do not fold the mailing labels. The sorting station in the right hand corner must be shown
A. Manifest Forms - Additional libraries are being added to the manifest form on a regular basis. Upon receiving a new version of the manifest form, please discard immediately all previous versions of the form. The most recent version of the form is dated 5/12/99. Print a copy of this form.
B. Manifest Forms - Effective January 1, 1999 you no longer need to send a copy of the Manifest Forms to the CAMLS office. Please continue to send the Manifest Form along with each of your shipments.
C. Manifest Forms - Use only the CAMLS manifest form. DO NOT USE THE OHIOLINK MANIFEST FORM UNLESS YOU ARE AN OHIOLINK MEMBER. The OHIOLINK manifest form is used only for reference. If you are sending to an OHIOLINK library, you need to write the name in the additional space provided on the CAMLS form. OHIOLINK will inform CAMLS when additional schools are added to the Daily Delivery System. CAMLS will then inform the CAMLS Delivery Service Contact Person.
A. Lost/Damaged Materials - To report lost/damaged materials, call U.S. Cargo at:
1-888-USCARGO (1-888-872-2746). U.S. Cargo will reimburse the library directly.
1. Reimbursement for lost or damaged freight for each library is $100.00 per year.
2. To obtain additional coverage for lost materials, request a Bill of Lading (BOL) from your driver.
3. The shipping library will complete the BOL and will specify the number and type of items as well as the amount of additional coverage on the BOL. For example:
10 video cassettes | |
10 books | |
20 items for $200 additional coverage |
4. The BOL is to be placed on the outside of the shipment so that it is clealy visible
to the driver. A pick-up copy of the BOL is to be retained by the shipping library
for proof of pick-up.
5. Shipments will be assessed an additional charge of fifty cents ($.50) for each
one hundred dollars ($100) or fraction thereof by which the value exceeds one
hundred dollars ($100) per shipment, but not to exceed five thousand dollars
($5,000). For example...
For loss of the 20 items mentioned above, the insurance fee will
total one dollar ($1.00).
6. U.S. Cargo will bill CAMLS for the additional coverage and CAMLS will invoice
the shipping library.
B. Non-Delivery Form - In the event that the US Cargo driver does not make a scheduled delivery, please fax/e-mail the Non-Delivery Form to the CAMLS office. CAMLS will then deduct the delivery charge from the monthly bill from US Cargo.
A. Libraries planning to close on a given day other than a holiday listed below, such as Staff Development Day, must report these closings to US Cargo within ten days of the closing.
New Year's Day | Thanksgiving |
Memorial Day | Christmas Eve |
Independence Day | Christmas |
Labor Day | New Year's Eve |
A. Customer Contact at US Cargo:
Hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
1. Becky Atcheson in Columbus:
Phone: 1-800-234-8608
Fax: 1-614-358-1368
2. Randy Cargill in Cleveland:
Phone: 1-216-332-0500
Fax: 1-216-662-4805
B. Customer Contact at the CAMLS Office:
Telephone: 216-921-3900
Fax: 216-921-7220
CAMLS office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.