Board of Trustees
Cleveland Area Metropolitian Library System

Minutes of Meeting
Twinsburg Public Library

Call To Order:
The meeting was called to order at 12:32 p.m. by President John Lonsak. In attendance: Chris Bennett, Carol Brown, Don Burrier, Molly Carver, Eileen Coan, Mary Crehore, Lisa Johnson, John Lonsak, Donna Perdzock, Ellen Stepanian, and Andrew Venable; Associate Member: Leslie Polott; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Terri Pasadyn, Mary Ellen Powers, and Beth Listerman; SLO Liaison: Michael Lucas. Absent: Art Biagianti and Patrick Scanlan
Minutes of Meeting on 3/17/99
Mary Crehore MOVED and Andy Venable SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE CAMLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING ON MARCH 17, 1999. Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None.
Approval of the Contingency Budget for FY1999/00


Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable.
Nays: None.

Fiscal Policy Revisions #1-14

Ellen Stepanian MOVED and Molly Carver SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING REVISED CAMLS FISCAL POLICIES: (1) Libraries may apply for membership in CAMLS at 2 times during the year with application deadlines of May 1 for the period July 1 - June 30 and November 1 for the period January 1 to June 30. The full 12-month fee for membership and Daily Delivery Service will apply.

Fiscal Policy #2

Effective July 1, 1999, CAMLS will add a 10% credit to any member library that prepays for Continuing Education on the annual Participation Form. The Prepayment Fund may be carried forward from one fiscal year to the next, but it cannot be refunded. A withdrawing member can use its prepayment balance for one year at the non-member rate.

Fiscal Policy #3

The refund policy for CAMLS workshops is as follows: a. Member Library Refund - credit on a canceled workshop will go into the library's prepayment account with at least 3 business days prior notification. Registrants will not receive a refund if a workshop is canceled within 3 business days. b. Non-member refund - a $25 service charge will be imposed with at least seven business days prior notification; a 50% refund with less than 7 business days prior notification; and no refund if cancellation occurs within three business days.

Fiscal Policy #4

Cost of workshops for non-members will be real cost plus a 25% administrative fee.

Fiscal Policy #5

Effective July 1, 1999, members will be assessed cost plus 10% for Daily Delivery Service, or $13.75 per stop for FY99/00.

Fiscal Policy #6

For the Journal Article Photocopy Service, members will receive 25 free copies (vs. 50 copies).

Fiscal Policy #7

There will no longer be a $10 credit given for the OCLC Searching Service.

Fiscal Policy #8

CAMLS will charge the following fees for posting job listings on the CAMLS website: Free - if members post their own positions. $25 per position - if CAMLS posts members' positions. $50 per position - for non-members posting their own positions. Unless a deadline is stated, all positions will be removed after 45 days.

Fiscal Policy #9

CAMLS will charge $150 per shipment for area non-profit groups to distribute materials through the CAMLS Distribution Service.

Fiscal Policy #10

To encourage libraries to join CAMLS, free workshops or discounts may be offered to a potential member library.

Fiscal Policy #11

CAMLS will no longer support a YA Summer Reading Program.

Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable.
Nays: None.

CAMLS Bylaws Revisions

Revisions to the Bylaws were discussed. Most of the changes are calendar issues and the elimination of specific membership assessment formulas, which change yearly. Discussion ensued as to the Advisory Council's concerns about the amount of time given to members in regard to any membership assessment changes. The Advisory Council is informed of increases in membership dues and then authorizes the Board, which is the legal governing body, to act on its behalf. The Board felt that the budget structure time line of October/November, or 18 months, for notification of membership assessment dues should remain in place so that the Finance Committee has time to plan. Ellen Stepanian MOVED and Don Burrier SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE REVISED CAMLS BYLAWS AS PRESENTED.

Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable.
Nays: None.

To address member concerns, the Membership Assessment Task Force will look at Article V, Sections A-D, of the Bylaws, which deal with membership dues and time lines.

Daily Delivery Service Payments

At its meeting on February 17, the Board approved an agreement between CAMLS and U.S. Cargo to increase the per stop rate from $7.50 to $12.50 for daily service and from $3.75 to $6.25 for shared CAMLS-NOLA service, effective February 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000. CAMLS will pay the increased amount until June 30, 1999. Carol Brown MOVED and Leslie Polott SECONDED a motion TO AUTHORIZE CAMLS TO PAY THE DIFFERENTIAL RATES TO U.S. CARGO FROM THE CAMLS BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 1998 TO JUNE 30, 1999.

Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable.
Nays: None.

Cost Analysis for the Daily Delivery Service

Per the Board's request, Mary Ellen Powers prepared a cost analysis of the Daily Delivery Service. The cost per pick up for the Daily Delivery Service is $15.75. This includes CAMLS as a participant in the service; it does not include Salaries and Fringes for the Executive Director and Clerk-Treasurer, or the rent. The cost analysis confirms that CAMLS is subsidizing this service.

March Financial Report and Quarterly Narrative

Mary Ellen explained any unusual variances for the first three quarters of the fiscal year. The cash balance as of March 31, 1999 is $494,507. Ellen Stepanian MOVED and Mary Crehore SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MARCH FINANCIAL REPORT.

Ayes: Bennett, Borwn, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable.
Nays: None.

Program Changes and Transfers/Revisions

Mary Ellen pointed out that a program change moves money into a line where there is no money; it changes the intent. Andy Venable MOVED and Don Burrier SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM CHANGE, TRANSFERS AND REVISIONS: Program Change: 1. In Special Library Services Fund (201) a budget transfer of $18,000 from Contracts - DDS ($12,100) and Salaries - CE Director ($5,900) to Equipment for the purchase of Electronic Classroom equipment and upgrades. Transfers: 1. In General Fund (101) budget transfers of $300 from Fringes - PERS to Periodicals; $1,900 from Fringes - PERS to Other - Rent; and $500 from Travel to Supplies. 2. In Special Library Services Fund (201) budget transfers of $4,000 from Contracts to Supplies for Daily Delivery Service supplies; $700 from Contracts - DDS to Other - Printing to print the Continuing Education Catalog; and $1,300 from Salaries - Assistant Director of Technology to Other - Software for the purchase of "Front Page" for the Electronic Classroom. 3. In State Fund (220) a budget transfer of $6,000 from Salaries - CE Director to Equipment for hardware and upgrade of Y2K compliant software for the Clerk-Treasurer. Revisions: 1. In General Fund (101) budget revisions of $1,555 from Salaries to Salaries; $500 from Other - Phone to Other - Memberships; and $500 from Contracts to Contracts for artist to create CAMLS brochure. 2. In Special Library Services Fund (201) budget revisions of $900 from Contracts - DDS to Contracts for workshop speakers; and $675 from Contracts - DDS to Contracts for consultant to upgrade server for online registration.

Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable.
Nays: None.

Library Leadership 2000 Financial Report

The ending balance for the 1998 Library Leadership Institute is $8,374. Ellen Stepanian MOVED and Andy Venable SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE LIBRARY LEADERSHIP 2000 FOR THE CLASS OF 1998.

Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable.
Nays: None.

Advanced Library Leadership 2000 Financial Report

The ending balance for the 1998 Advanced Leadership Conference is $2,948. Andy Venable MOVED and Mary Crehore SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE ADVANCED LIBRARY LEADERSHIP 2000.

Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable.
Nays: None.

The balances for both Library Leadership conferences are carried forward to the next program. The financial reports will be sent to all donor organizations.

LSTA Grant Application

Mike Snyder presented an abstract, budget pages, and participants list for an LSTA Grant application "Access Plus: Partnerships for Proficiency". The grant request will be in excess of $221,000 pending the inclusion of the 20th library. Andy Venable MOVED and Carol Brown SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE LSTA GRANT APPLICATION, "ACCESS PLUS: PARTNERSHIPS FOR PROFICIENCY" WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE BUDGET FIGURES WILL CHANGE WITH THE INCLUSION OF AN ADDITIONAL LIBRARY.

Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable.
Nays: None.

Committee Reports

Donna Perdzock reported that the Membership Assessment Task Force will be reconvening to discuss various issues, especially membership assessments for FY00/01. The Personnel Committee will meet June 15 for Mike Snyder's and Mary Ellen Power's personnel reviews. The LSTA Grant for proficiency testing assistance, which the Planning Committee helped to develop, has been turned over to the Project Advisory Committee.

Report of the State Library of Ohio Liaison

Michael Lucas added to his report to the Advisory Council that besides the recommendation of 90% of the funding requested for Regional Library Systems, the number of Regionals is to be capped at 7, not 11.
Continuing Education Director's Report
Terri Pasadyn mentioned that as technology support for workshop speakers has become more sophisticated, finding locations that can provide such assistance has become more difficult. Perhaps CAMLS can supply a free workshop to those libraries which host a workshop. Also, surveying member libraries may help to determine which ones can, and are willing to, host workshops and what technological support is available.

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