Call To Order: | |
The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President John Lonsak. In attendance: Art Biagianti, Carol Brown, Don Burrier, Molly Carver, Eileen Coan, Mary Crehore, Lisa Johnson, John Lonsak, Donna Perdzock, Patrick Scanlan, Ellen Stepanian, and Andrew Venable; Associate Member: Leslie Polott; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Mary Ellen Powers, and Beth Listerman. Absent: Chris Bennett. | |
Minutes of Meeting on 2/17/99 | |
Don Burrier MOVED and Molly Carver SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE CAMLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING ON FEBRUARY 17, 1999. Ayes: Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. | |
U.S. Cargo Courier Service, Inc. Contract | |
CAMLS and U.S. Cargo have reached an agreement to provide delivery service until the implementation of the Statewide Delivery Service by the State Library of Ohio. Andy Venable MOVED and Ellen Stepanian SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR AN AUTOMATIC 30-DAY ROLLOVER PROVISION ON THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1999, UNTIL THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE STATEWIDE RESOURCE SHARING PROGRAM. Ayes: Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. |
February Financial Report | |
The balance on hand as of February 28, 1999 was $535,914. Mary Crehore MOVED and Andy Venable SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY FINANCIAL REPORT. Ayes: Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. |
Revisions | |
Mary Ellen Powers requested revisions (a change in the intent) in Federal Fund (201). The changes are necessitated by the fact that more money is needed for workshop speakers since CAMLS did not hire a Technology Director, whose job would have been presenting some of the workshops. Also, CAMLS intends to improve its online registration and job posting on the website. Andy Venable MOVED and Ellen Stepanian SECONDED a motion FOR A BUDGET REVISION IN FEDERAL FUND (201) IN CONTRACTS OF $4,000 (FROM U.S. CARGO DELIVERY CONTRACT TO WORKSHOP SPEAKERS) AND ALSO IN CONTRACTS OF $3,000 (FOR WEBSITE/ NETWORK DEVELOPMENT). Ayes: Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. Eileen Coan (with green antennae!) arrived at 9:40 a.m., and Patrick Scanlan arrived at 9:44 a.m. |
Purchase of New Telephone System | |
Of the 3 bids received for a new telephone system for the office, CAMLS wishes to purchase the Lucent Technologies ACS Partner telephone system. The acquisition of this system has already been approved in the current LSTA grant. Mary Crehore MOVED and Carol Brown SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES' ACS PARTNER TELEPHONE SYSTEM AT AN APPROXIMATE COST OF $6,500. Ayes: Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. |
CAMLS Policy Revisions | |
Donna Perdzock reported that the Membership Assessment Task Force, consisting of herself as Chair, Ellen Stepanian, Gorman Duffett, Holly Carroll, Leslie Polott, Carol Brown, Andy Venable, and John Lonsak, met several times to look at the entire financial situation of CAMLS. Determination of the fees schedule has been delayed until a better handle on funding is known, but the Task Force has come up with the following new policies: 1) Libraries may apply for membership in CAMLS at 2 times during the year with application deadlines of May 1 for the period July 1 - June 30 and November 1 for the period January 1 to June 30. The full 12-month fee for membership and Daily Delivery Service will apply. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #2 | |
Effective July 1, 1999, CAMLS will add a 10% credit to any member library that prepays for Continuing Education on the annual Participation Form. The Prepayment Fund may be carried forward from one fiscal year to the next, but it cannot be refunded. This recommendation will encourage more participation in CE activities. The Board decided that if a library drops out of CAMLS with CE prepayment remaining in its account, that library may use their prepayment for workshops at the non-member rate within the following year only. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #3 | |
Effective July 1, 1999, CAMLS will administer the U.S. Cargo service contract at cost plus 10%. Therefore, the cost to libraries for the service in FY99/00 will be $13.75 per stop ($12.50 to U.S. Cargo + $1.25 to CAMLS). The $1.25 will help defray the cost CAMLS incurs in administering the delivery service. The Board requested a breakdown of the administrative costs of this service for the April Board meeting. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #4 | |
Effective July 1, 1999, those libraries that elect to participate in the Journal Article Photocopy Service will receive 25 copies at no charge (vs. 50 copies at present). CAMLS will charge participating libraries cost plus 10%, or $8.50 per request beyond the 25 free copies, for FY99/00. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #5 | |
Effective July 1, 1999, CAMLS will charge the following rates to post a position in the Job Opportunities section of the CAMLS Web Site: Member libraries that post their own positions - No Charge Member libraries that request CAMLS to post the positions - $25/position Non-member libraries are required to post their own positions - $50/position Unless a deadline is stated in the text, all positions will be removed after 45 days. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #6 | |
Effective July 1, 1999, CAMLS will no longer issue a $10 credit to those libraries that participate in the OCLC Searching Service. CAMLS will charge participating member libraries cost plus 10%. The cost for FY99/00 will be $3.60 per search ($3.25 to Cuyahoga County Public Library + $.35 to CAMLS). |
CAMLS Policy Revision #7 | |
Effective July 1, 1999, CAMLS will charge $150 per mailing for area non-profit organizations to participate in the CAMLS Distribution Service. This increase will help to defray the cost of the Daily Delivery Service costs. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #8 | |
Discussion ensued on designating Continuing Education Prepayment as revenue and all other CE revenue collected transferred to the CAMLS Reserve Fund at year end. At the present time prepayment goes into the operating budget and other CE revenue goes into the Non-Project Fund. If all CE revenue goes into the operating budget, the Reserve Fund will be depleted. This policy is something CAMLS can do and may have to do depending on future funding. The Board recommended that no action be taken on this policy change at the present time. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #9 | |
Effective July 1, 1999, CAMLS will issue a credit to a library's prepayment account (rather than refund registration fees) to workshop registrants who cancel a workshop and notify the CAMLS office at least three business days in advance of the workshop. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #10 | |
Effective July 1, 1999, CAMLS will refund registration fees to non-member workshop registrants under the following conditions: a) $25 service charge will be assessed with at least seven business days prior notification. b) 50% of the registration fee will be refunded with less than seven business days prior notification. c) There will be no refund if canceled within three business days. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #11 | |
Effective immediately, the Executive Director will be authorized to offer either free or discount premiums on select CAMLS workshops to any new member library that submits its application to affiliate with CAMLS. This could encourage potential member libraries to join CAMLS. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #12 | |
Due to the high cost per participant to support the Young Adult Summer Reading Program, it is recommended that CAMLS no longer produce YA Summer Reading Program materials. Libraries are leaning toward family intergenerational programs, and the State Library and other organizations offer program materials which libraries can use. |
CAMLS Policy Revision #13 | |
Continuing Education fees for non-member registrants will be real cost plus a 25% administrative fee. Mary Ellen Powers reviewed a Contingency Budget reflecting some of the above changes. The Membership Assessment Task Force has recommended a 10% rather than a 20% increase to membership assessments for libraries other than schools and those paying the minimum. With the exception of designating continuing education prepayment as revenue, all of the recommendations developed by the Membership Assessment Task Force were approved with minor modifications. The policies will be presented to the Advisory Council at its meeting April 21 and then approved by the Board after the Advisory Council meeting. |
Voting Membership Status for Akron-Summit County Public Library | |
Don Burrier MOVED and Andy Venable SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE VOTING STATUS OF AKRON-SUMMIT COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY FROM ASSOCIATE TO VOTING MEMBER, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1999. Ayes: Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. |
Executive Session | |
The Board went into Executive Session at 10:45 a.m. and came out of Executive Session at 11:45 a.m. |
Committee Reports | |
Continuing Education Director's Report | |
Terri Pasadyn is in Columbus attending a statewide initiative of interested continuing education providers called "Library Learning Collaborative." The expectations of LLC are to open discussion on the possibility of sharing resources and eliminating duplication around the State. Mike Snyder reported in Terri's absence that registrations for workshops are going very well and 11 workshops have closed. He encouraged everyone to register for the Annual Meeting on May 26 at Wagner's Country Inn in Westlake. Marilyn Mason will give her observations and vision on the future of professional education and report on the ALA-sponsored Congress on Professional Education, at which she has been a delegate. Since the State Library is requiring cooperation on the part of the Regional Library Systems when seeking remainder money under the new funding structure, the RLS have determined three cooperative initiatives to work on: Distance Learning, Partners for Proficiency, and Digitization. | |
Executive Director's Report | |
CAMLS will not be purchasing Digital Scanners for its members. Remaining LSTA funds will be used to equip the Electronic Classroom and for additional technical assistance to maximize utilization of the CAMLS website. The CAMLS Legislative Brunch will be held on Monday, April 26, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the Cuyahoga County Public Library Administrative Building. CAMLS will be sending invitations to CAMLS directors and state legislators. Directors are invited to contact their own legislators and invite them to come. Extra invitations will be sent to directors so that personal notes can be written to the legislators. The program will consist of showing off the Electronic Classroom, viewing the Diversity video, and other presentations and displays. Mike reported that 16 libraries have committed to participating in the LSTA grant application for proficiency. Two more libraries are expected to participate. | |
Adjourn | |
Ellen Stepanian MOVED and Leslie Polott SECONDED a motion TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 12:05 P.M. |