Call To Order: | |
The meeting was called to order at 12:20 p.m. by President John Lonsak. In attendance: Art Biagianti, Molly Carver, Eileen Coan, Mary Crehore, Lisa Johnson, John Lonsak, Ellen Stepanian, and Andrew Venable; Associate Member: Leslie Polott; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Terri Pasadyn, Mary Ellen Powers, and Beth Listerman; SLO Liaison: Floyd Dickman. Absent: Christopher Bennett, Carol Brown, Don Burrier, Donna Perdzock, and Patrick Scanlan. If you do not have time to visit the library and prepare for exams, please order exam takers for hire at |
Minutes of Meeting on 8/19/98 | |
Lisa Johnson MOVED and Andy Venable SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE CAMLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING ON AUGUST 19, 1998. Ayes: Biagianti, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. | |
August Financial Report | |
As of August 31, 1998, the balance was $673,353. Mary Ellen Powers explained that the negative amount of $400 in the LL2000 category represents a refund. Mary Crehore MOVED and Ellen Stepanian SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE AUGUST FINANCIAL REPORT. Ayes: Biagianti, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. |
State Final Report | |
Mary Ellen Powers reviewed the final State Fund Report for the period 7/1/97 through 6/30/98 that is submitted to the State Library of Ohio. The balance of $837 can be carried over since CAMLS is in the middle of the biennium. |
LSTA Final Closeout Report | |
Mary Ellen Powers reviewed the Final LSTA Closeout Report. There is $21,789 left in Local Funds, and $15,452 left in Federal Funds. Since there is a disparity between local and federal monies left, CAMLS must return $15,452 plus a penalty on the difference between local and federal monies. Andy Venable MOVED and Ellen Stepanian SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE LSTA CLOSEOUT REPORT. Ayes: Biagianti, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. |
Approval of Payments over $5,000 to Inn at Honey Run | |
Ellen Stepanian MOVED and Molly Carver SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF $19,965.62 TO THE INN AT HONEY RUN FOR HOSTING BOTH SESSIONS OF THE LL2000 INSTITUTES ON SEPTEMBER 10-SEPTEMBER 18. Ayes: Biagianti, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. The breakdown is $14,464.06 for Library Leadership 2000 and $5,501.56 for the Advanced LL2000 Institute. |
Approval of Payment over $5,000 to Schreiber Shannon Associates | |
Mary Crehore MOVED and Andy Venable SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF $11,000 ($9,000 FOR LL2000 AND $2,000 FOR ADVANCED LL2000) TO SCHREIBER SHANNON ASSOCIATES, FACILITATORS. Ayes: Biagianti, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. A $5,000 deposit had already been paid to Schreiber Shannon. |
Payment to the State Library of Ohio | |
Mary Ellen Powers explained that the money that must be returned to the State Library of Ohio is large due to the fact that the position of Assistant Director of Technology was not filled and the position of the Continuing Education Director was vacant for a period of time. Included in the $18,620.50 that must be returned is a $3,000 penalty. Ellen Stepanian reluctantly MOVED and Art Biagianti SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE REFUND PAYMENT OF $18,620.50 TO THE STATE LIBRARY OF OHIO. Ayes: Biagianti, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. |
Continuing Education Director's Sick Leave Credit | |
CE Director Terri Pasadyn has requested that CAMLS accept the transfer of sick leave credit that she earned while employed at the Cuyahoga County Public Library from February 10, 1986 to August 12, 1995. The Ohio Revised Code states that this is standard practice upon the transfer of a new employee from one public library to another. Andy Venable MOVED and Ellen Stepanian SECONDED a motion TO ACCEPT THE TRANSFER OF SICK LEAVE CREDIT FOR CE DIRECTOR TERRI PASADYN. Ayes: Biagianti, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. |
Finance Committee Report | |
Andy Venable reported that the Finance Committee met on September 9, 1998, to look at membership assessments. The rationale behind the present fee schedule was reviewed and further data will be brought to the next Committee meeting on September 30. The Committee felt that both the Marketing and Financial Plans need to be reviewed to assess priorities. |
Personnel Committee Report | |
The Personnel Committee had an organizational meeting on September 2 and will meet again following today's Board meeting. |
Planning Committee Report | |
At its August 19 meeting, the Planning Committee made the recommendation that CAMLS prepare an LSTA grant application for "Computer Labs for Kids". The 25% matching grant will be contributed by those member libraries electing to participate in the LSTA grant application. CAMLS will work with the Planning and Children's Services Committees in preparation of this grant. |
Report of the State Library of Ohio Liaison | |
Floyd Dickman reported that two new positions have been filled at The State Library - the Head of the Reference Department, which was filled by a former LL2000 participant, and a Library Development Consultant to work with the smaller public libraries. There is presently a position open for a Children's/Youth Services Coordinator. He reported that The State Library will be moving by December 31, 1999. |
Continuing Education Director's Report | |
Terri Pasadyn reported that several of the fall Continuing Education programs are already closed out. She shared with the Board her thoughts about Library Leadership 2000. She, basically attending as an observer having just started with CAMLS, sensed the importance and passion the attendees felt. Shannon and Schreiber were gifted facilitators. The program was part self awareness and evaluation of one's self but all was grounded to the library world. She read 3 participants' testimonials. As well, the group came up with a vision statement, which was shared with the Board. The selection process should be reviewed to ensure diversity. It was felt that libraries need to work with suppliers for funding this program. Andy Venable took the opportunity to thank Mike and Terri for their efforts and leadership in putting together Library Leadership 2000. Their leadership in this program gives CAMLS credibility and bodes well for future CAMLS programs. | |
Executive Director's Report | |
Mike reported that Chiron Diagnostics no longer maintains a corporate library in Oberlin. He has written a letter to the corporate headquarters in Medfield, MA telling them of the Ohio Revised Code 18-month withdrawal notification requirement and Chiron's financial obligations. Marian Wright Edelman, Executive Director of the Children's Defense Fund, will be in Cleveland in early December. Mike will be meeting with her Ohio representative to work out details for her to speak at a special CAMLS gathering. CAMLS will be distributing publicity soon. Thanks were given to Ellen Stepanian for the idea. Following the initial printing and distribution of the Subject Locator Guide, CAMLS has received requests for 160 additional copies from 20 member libraries. Mike attended a Regional Library Systems Quarterly Meeting on August 20-21 in Wellston. | |
Adjourn | |
Andy Venable MOVED and Molly Carver SECONDED a motion TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 1:12 P.M. Ayes: Biagianti, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Stepanian, and Venable. Nays: None. |