Board of Trustees
Cleveland Area Metropolitian Library System

Minutes of Meeting
Executive Caterers at Landerhaven

Call To Order:
The meeting was called to order at 12:40 p.m. by President Jean Toombs. In attendance: Betsey Belkin, Art Biagianti, John Biros, Carol Brown, Don Burrier, Molly Carver, Laura Holland, John Lonsak, Donna Perdzock, Patrick Scanlan, and Jean Toombs; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Mary Ellen Powers, and Beth Listerman; Guests: Floyd Dickman, SLO. Absent: Lisa Johnson and Andy Venable; Associate Member: David Jennings.
Minutes of Meeting on 4/15/98
Carol Brown MOVED and Donna Perdzock SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE CAMLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING ON APRIL 15, 1998. Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs. Nays: None
Daily Delivery Service

Mike Snyder reported that CAMLS has been in negotiation with U.S. Cargo to replace Pony Express for the 1998/99FY. The rate will be $7.50/stop. Mike has been working closely with the State Library of Ohio, and it is hoped that this will be the precursor to a statewide delivery service. A training session has been scheduled for June 22 for the delivery contacts at CAMLS libraries. Prior to this training session, U.S. Cargo will be visiting each library to become acquainted with the libraries' personnel, delivery location, etc. Betsey Belkin MOVED and Laura Holland SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE NEGOTIATIONS WITH U.S. CARGO.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None

Don Burrier MOVED and John Lonsak SECONDED a motion TO GIVE A 30-DAY NOTICE TO PONY EXPRESS. Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs. Nays: none. Abstentions: none.

Reduction in State Aid Funds - 3%

A mandated 3% cut amounting to $3,939 in the State Budget necessitates a change in the CAMLS budget. Carol Brown MOVED and John Biros SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE DECREASING THE 1998/99 STATE BUDGET BY 3% OR $3,939 - $939 IN FRINGES AND $3,000 IN OTHER-PRINTING.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None

Revision of the CAMLS Bylaws

Betsey Belkin reviewed the changes in the CAMLS Bylaws, all of which reflect a change in the wording or changes already approved by the Board. The revised Bylaws has been received by Advisory Council members 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting, where they were reviewed. Betsey Belkin MOVED and Laura Holland SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE REVISED CAMLS BYLAWS.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None

Salary of the CAMLS Program Coordinator

Mike Snyder reminded the Board that changes to the job description of the Program Coordinator to reflect increasing technology-based duties were approved by the Board on April 15, 1998. He presented a proposal for a salary adjustment to reflect these additional duties for Elaine Terman. Patrick Scanlan MOVED and Laura Holland SECONDED a motion TO MOVE THE SALARY OF ELAINE TERMAN UP 2 STEPS (STEP E), WHICH WILL REFLECT A 6% OVERALL INCREASE IN SALARY, EFFECTIVE IN THE NEW 1998/99 FISCAL YEAR.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None

Application of Herrick Memorial Library


Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None

April Financial Report

As of April 30, 1998, the ending balance was $463,108. An additional page has been added to the Financial Report representing the LL2000 project. John Lonsak MOVED and John Biros SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE APRIL FINANCIAL REPORT.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None

Fund Transfer

Don Burrier MOVED and Donna Perdzock SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE A FUND TRANSFER OF $5,987.77 FROM LOCAL CONTRIBUTIONS (210) - SALARIES - $4,586.53; FRINGES - $851.24; AND OTHER - $550 - TO THE NON-PROJECT (601) FUND.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None

Appropriation Revisions/Transfers

Mary Ellen Powers reported that there will be money left over due to the absence of a CE Director and not hiring a Technology Director. These monies must be spent for programs. If the amount in federal and local monies left over are equal, CAMLS will not be penalized. Betsey Belkin MOVED and Don Burrier SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING REVISIONS AND TRANSFERS: (1) IN FUND 101, REVISE THE BUDGET IN SALARIES $2,259; TRANSFER $2,500 FROM TRAVEL TO SUPPLIES; AND TRANSFER $6,000 TO EQUIPMENT FOR THE ELECTRONIC CLASSROOM; (2) IN FUND 201, REVISE THE BUDGET IN SALARIES $600; TRANSFER $5,200 FROM SALARIES (CE DIRECTOR) TO SUPPLIES FOR DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE; AND REVISE THE BUDGET IN CONTRACTS OF $4,110 FOR WORKSHOP SPEAKERS; (3) IN FUND 220, REVISE THE BUDGET OF $310 FROM MEDICARE TO WORKERS COMP; TRANSFER $1,000 FROM TRAVEL TO SUPPLIES; AND TRANSFER FROM OTHER ($1,800) AND FRINGES ($700) TO CONTRACTS FOR CAMLS SPONSORSHIP OF LL2000.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Holland, Lonsak, Perdzock, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None

Committee Reports

John Lonsak reported that the Finance Committee had met on May 6 to review programs and services and will meet again on June 9. Laura Holland reported that the Personnel Committee will meet on May 28 for evaluation reviews and bring a recommendation to the next Board meeting. Betsey Belkin reported that the Planning Committee will meet during the Summer.
Status Report on the Workers Compensation Issue from the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office

Nothing has been resolved on this issue.

Status Report on the Search for the New Continuing Education Director

Four interviews have been held with the fifth scheduled for June 3. It is hoped that a recommendation may be made by the next Board meeting.

Report of the State Library of Ohio Liaison

Floyd Dickman reported that $2 - 2.5 million is available for LSTA grants. The State Library is looking for reviewers for these grant applications. P.O's for LSTA Title II grants have been received from 2 libraries.


It was suggested that CAMLS reprint and distribute the pamphlet, "Fast Subject Locator". The Board authorized CAMLS to proceed with the reprinting of the Subject Locator pamphlet, if feasible. Jean Toombs announced that this would be her last meeting and expressed her appreciation for the hard work of the Board during the past year.
Continuing Education Director's Report
Mike Snyder reported that staff is working on developing the Fall workshops and producing the CE Catalog.
Executive Director's Report
During April and May Mike has made field visits to Taylor and Stow-Munroe Falls Public Libraries, Global Issues Resource Center, and the Inn at Honey Run, the site of LL2000. He attended receptions for new directors, John Weedon, RRPL; Cindy Lombardo, ORR; and Edrice Ivory, SHPL. He attended a NEFCO Review Meeting for the CAMLS LSTA grant application in Akron on April 9, ALA Legislative Day in Washington D.C. on May 3 and 4, the Ohio Library Council Regional Conference in Hudson on May 7, and the Regional Library Systems meeting in Columbus on May 15.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:03 p.m.

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