Board of Trustees
Cleveland Area Metropolitian Library System

Minutes of Meeting
Shaker Heights Public Library

Call To Order:
The meeting was called to order at 12:50 President Jean Toombs. In attendance: Betsey Belkin, Art Biagianti, John Biros, Carol Brown, Don Burrier, Laura Holland, Lisa Johnson, John Lonsak, Patrick Scanlan, and Jean Toombs; Associate Member: David Jennings; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Lou Ann Kibler, Mary Ellen Powers, and Beth Listerman; Guests: Molly Carver, BLV, Floyd Dickman, SLO, and Cheryl Fischer, National Federation of the Blind. Absent: Pam Hickson-Stevenson and Andy Venable
Minutes of Meeting on 12/17/97
Carol Brown MOVED and Laura Holland SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE CAMLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING ON DECEMBER 17, 1997. Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Holland, Johnson, Lonsak, Scanlan, and Toombs. Nays: None
Introduction of Cheryl Fischer, National Federation of the Blind

Mike Snyder introduced Cheryl Fischer, Director of Fundraising of the National Federation of the Blind, who talked about an exciting newspaper access service, NEWSLINE for the Blind. This service will allow persons with disabilities such as blindness, quadriplegia and head injuries to access the full texts of 3 national and 1 local newspapers. By being able to access this information, these people will better hear about employment opportunities, volunteer activities, etc. and therefore, be able to become mainstreamed into society. The cost of the project is approximately $72,000, one-quarter of which would be matched by the National Federation of the Blind. Ms. Fischer is looking for a library willing to submit an LSTA grant application on behalf of the NFB-O to be submitted by May 1, 1998.

CAMLS Budget for FY1998/99

Don Burrier MOVED and Lisa Johnson SECONDED a motion to APPROVE THE FINAL DRAFT OF THE FY1998/99 CAMLS BUDGET.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Holland, Johnson, Lonsak, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None.

Workers' Compensation Update

On January 7, 1998, Jean Toombs, John Lonsak, and Mike Snyder met with Carol Shockley from the County Prosecutor's Office in regard to workers' compensation for contractors. She requested more information, most specifically CAMLS Directors and Officers Liability Policy. Her initial feeling was that since CAMLS is not the employer of record, there is no need to worry about worker's compensation for speakers or others who contract with CAMLS for services. Mary Ellen Powers pointed out that if CAMLS does not get proof of worker's compensation, CAMLS becomes liable. A written report from the County Prosecutor's Office is forthcoming and will be presented at the February meeting.

December Financial Report

Mary Ellen Powers reported that as of December 31, 1997, the ending balance was $485,442. A Second Quarter Narrative was distributed which reported monies that are materially over/under 50% unencumbered. Mary Ellen explained the reasons for any unusual variances. John Lonsak MOVED and Laura Holland SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER FINANCIAL REPORTS.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Holland, Johnson, Lonsak, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None.

Revisions to the CAMLS Strategic Plan, 1998-2000

The Planning Committee reviewed and revised the CAMLS Strategic Plan at its meeting on Friday, December 19. Since the Strategic Plan had just been revised extensively in 1997, only minor changes were made. The revisions to the Strategic Plan were reviewed by the CAMLS Advisory Council just prior to this meeting. Betsey Belkin MOVED and Don Burrier SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY DRAFT OF THE CAMLS STRATEGIC PLAN, 1998-2000.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Holland, Johnson, Lonsak, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None.

LSTA Minigrant for NEWSLINE for the Blind Project

In conversations with Cheryl Fischer of the National Federation of the Blind and Missy Lodge of the State Library in regard to a minigrant for $15,000 for the NEWSLINE for the Blind project, it was learned that SLO will not give money for a project that is not ready to start. Start up costs for this project will be $72,000. Mike Snyder will write a letter to Ms. Fischer informing her that CAMLS is not the right vehicle for funding this project; positive suggestions will be made to her, and information will be posted on the CAMLS listserv and Web site in hopes that some library may wish to sponsor such a project.

Business Credit Cards

Since a sizeable number of vendors do not honor American Express credit cards, Mike Snyder recommends changing to Visa. The fee is $25 with no start-up fee, and CAMLS would be able to have one account with four cards; the Clerk-Treasurer and Program Coordinator will be assigned credit cards in addition to the Executive Director and Continuing Education Director. Laura Holland MOVED and Patrick Scanlan SECONDED a motion TO AUTHORIZE THE CAMLS STAFF TO CHANGE TO A VISA CREDIT CARD WITH THE MAXIMUM TO REMAIN AT $5,000 PER CARD.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Biros, Brown, Burrier, Holland, Johnson, Lonsak, Scanlan, and Toombs.
Nays: None.

Planning Committee Report

The Planning Committee will meet on February 27 at CCPL-Fairview Park Regional from 9:30- 12:00 to review programs and services for the October 1, 1998 - September 30, 1999 LSTA grant application. Betsey Belkin asked for input from the Board.

Finance Committee Report

The Finance Committee met on December 2, 1997 to review and approve the budget for the 1998/99 grant application. There will be a joint meeting with the Personnel Committee on February 3 at Shaker Heights Public Library from 2-4 p.m.

Personnel Committee Report

The Committee will meet immediately after the Board meeting to discuss the mechanics of raises and evaluations for CAMLS staff.

Report of the State Library Liaison

Floyd Dickman had no report.


Jean Toombs announced that she had received a letter of resignation from Pam Hickson- Stevenson. Pam felt that with the building project getting underway at her library, she was not able to put in the time to serve CAMLS well. The Board accepted with regret her resignation. Jean hopes to have a replacement in place by the February meeting.
Continuing Education Director's Report
Lou Ann Kibler did not add any more to what she said at the Advisory Council meeting.
Executive Director's Report
CAMLS received a check from Mt. Sinai Hospital for membership fees for 1997/98. Mike met with State Representative Peter Lawson Jones for breakfast on January 16. Mike conducted an orientation at Lynn Marcell Community Resource Center of Fairview Health System on December 19. He attended the reception at the newly remodeled and expanded Euclid Public Library on January 10.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

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