Board of Trustees
Cleveland Area Metropolitian Library System

Minutes of Meeting
Hudson Library & Historical Society

Call To Order:
The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President Donna Perdzock. In attendance: Chris Bennett, Art Biagianti, Don Burrier, Carol Brown, Mary Crehore, Gorman Duffett, Vickie Hartzell, Donna Perdzock, Leslie Polott, Cristine Rom, and Karen Tschudy; SLO Liaison: Floyd Dickman; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Terri Pasadyn, Mary Ellen Powers, and Marge Doxey. Absent: Eileen Coan, Ellen Stepanian, and Andrew Venable.
Minutes of Meeting on 10/13/99
None Given
Minutes of Meeting September 15, 1999

Carol Brown MOVED and Art Biagianti SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE CAMLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 21, 1999. Ayes: Bennett, Biagianti, Burrier, Brown, Crehore, Duffett, Hartzell, Perdzock, Polott, Rom and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: none.

Approval of CAMLS Revised Membership Assessment Formulas

Donna Perdzock presented a report of the Membership Assessment Task Force. Effective July 1, 2000, the new formulas will take effect for determining a member library's membership assessment. Vickie Hartzell MOVED and Chris Bennett SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE REVISED MEMBERSHIP ASSESSMENT FORMULAS, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2000 AS FOLLOWS.

a. Assessment for libraries with budgets under $500,000 is $650.
b. Assessment for libraries with budgets over $33,333,333 is $20,000.
c. Assessment for school libraries increases $25 at each level with a minimum of $650.
d. Assessment for libraries with budgets of $500,000-$33,333,333 - multiplier is calculated upon the most recent completed fiscal year, as reported to the State Library of Ohio and is determined by size of operating budget.
e. Assessment for special libraries is based on the same fiscal year as item d.

Operating Budget Membership Assessment

< $500,000 $650 minimum
$500,001 - 1,999,999 .13%
$2,000,000 - 3,225,000 .125%
$3,225,001 - 8,000,000 .10%
$8,000,001 - 12,000,000 .09%
$12,000,001 - 15,000,000 .075%
$15,000,001 - 20,000,000 .07%
$20,000,001 - 33,333,333 .06%
>$33,333,333 $20,000

Ayes: Bennett, Biagianti, Burrier, Brown, Crehore, Duffett, Hartzell, Perdzock, Polott, Rom and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: none.

August Financial Report

Mary Ellen Powers explained which accounts had been closed out. Donna Perdzock questioned if the reallocation of funds just meant transferring out of and transferring into another account. The answer was yes. A discussion was also held on the conversion to the new CMI software system. The cash balance as of September 30, 1999 was $254,796.17. Don Burrier MOVED and Leslie Polott SECONED a motion TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER FINANCIAL REPORT. Ayes: Bennett, Biagianti, Burrier, Brown, Crehore, Duffett, Hartzell, Perdzock, Polott, Rom and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: none.

Approval of State Fund Transfer

Mary Ellen informed the Board that the remaining $330 left in state funding must be paid back. Mary Crehore MOVED and Don Burrier SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE A STATE FUND TRANSFER OF $330 TO THE CAMLS RESERVE FUND. Ayes: Bennett, Biagianti, Burrier, Brown, Crehore, Duffett, Hartzell, Perdzock, Polott, Rom and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: none.


Quite a bit of discussion was held regarding the composition of the Board of Trustees and the number of Academic seats. Gorman Duffett felt that the number of academic seats should be reduced from 3 to 2 and that there be just one category of academic membership. Mike informed the Board that there was some opposition from Betsey Belkin of URC to limiting the number of seats for academics. The original Board composition was made up by the Board. The question was, "should we stick to this or change"? It was suggested that Mike conduct a survey of the academic members of the Advisory Council as to whether CAMLS should reduce the number of Academic seats on the Board to two and leave one category unnamed. It was also brought up that maybe we should redefine the libraries' range. Mike brought up the fact that maybe we should grant Akron-Summit County Public Library a full permanent seat. It may be necessary to look at different standards for judging libraries and rethink how we categorize them. It was also suggested that CAMLS keep the number of Academic seats at three and add ASCPL to make 14 members on the Board. This will be discussed again at a future Board meeting, but it is hoped that the Bylaws change be made in January 2000, to be effective July 1, 2000.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee
Mary Crehore stated that tentative dates have been set for Finance Committee meetings.

Personnel Committee
Art Biagianti informed the Board that Goal #1 on the Evaluation Form has been changed and they are all in agreement on the form. Mike Snyder stated that he has signed with Gortz Management Consultants for the Work Flow Study. Interviews will be conducted with the staff on Monday and Wednesday, October 18 and 20. The results will be reviewed by the Personnel Committee and the Board.

Planning Committee
Mary Merrill has completed the results of the Strategic Planning Session. The Planning Committee will meet on November 17, 1999 at CNG to formulate a draft document of the Strategic Plan. Mike Snyder reported that the LSTA Proficiency Project was approved. The Project Administrators of the project are Jean Sylak and Gretchen Hamman, both highly recommended. There are 18 public libraries and 2 school districts participating in the project. Mike pointed out that the CAMLS grant was the 4th or 5th largest grant given.

Continuing Education Director's Report
Terri Pasadyn mentioned the workshop on Finding Private Support on November 17 and suggested that if directors cannot attend to send someone else from the library. She is busy working on Spring programs, brainstorming sessions, a CE needs assessment survey, and the October 26th Focus Group meeting for Academics. These activities will aid her in determining how CAMLS can better serve its member libraries. She also mentioned the CE Mall that Eric Anderson of OVAL is proposing, whereby all CE registration/publicity activities will be centralized.
Executive Director's Report
· Mike Snyder recapped the OLC Convention in Dayton. · Donna Perdzock talked about the certification issue which might affect CE. Who will provide this certification? Don Burrier said this was a hot issue with small libraries. · The Academic Type of Library Meeting will meet on October 22, 1999 at 11:45 at Luchitas on the Square, and the Special Type of Library Meeting will meet on the same day at 9:30 at the Foundation Center. On October 29, 1999 the Public Type of Library Meeting will be held at 9:30 at the Chardon-Administration Center of GCPL. · Please mark your calendars for the Marian Wright Edelman program at the Shaker Middle School on November 10th. · The Vendor Discount Directory is still being pursued. Baker and Taylor is still part of this program despite the fact that it is not found on the web site directory.. · Mike informed us that Microsoft is willing to give the Regionals and their members a significant discount for software beginning July 1, 2000. ~Announcements^ · Art Biagianti mentioned a PBS Adult Learning series (part 1 of 4) being held at CWRU on November 14, 1999 from 2:30 - 4 p.m. This is a free program on Internet and Copyright issues. Contact Janet Mulland at 216/368-2990. The program will also be offered at Kent State. · There are two positions open at Elyria Public Library, one for Head of Adult Services and the other in Public Relations. · Hudson is in the midst of a 1.25 mill bond levy that will fund a big expansion program. · CCPL-Strongsville Branch will be expanding due to the tremendous growth in this area. CCPL is restructuring the Technology area and is hiring now. ~Report of the State Library of Ohio Liaison^ Floyd Dickman spoke about mini-grants, selected legislation of interest, and positions available at the State Library. There is a big push in Family Literacy.
Art Biagianti moved TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:55 A.M.

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