Board of Trustees
Cleveland Area Metropolitian Library System

Minutes of Meeting
John Carroll University - Grasselli Library

Call To Order:
The meeting was called to order at 9:36 a.m. by President Donna Perdzock. She thanked Gorman Duffett for hosting the meeting at John Carroll. In attendance: Art Biagianti, Carol Brown, Don Burrier, Eileen Coan, Mary Crehore, Gorman Duffett, Vickie Hartzell, Donna Perdzock, Leslie Polott, Cristine Rom, Ellen Stepanian, Karen Tschudy, and Andrew Venable; SLO Liaison: Floyd Dickman; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Terri Pasadyn, Mary Ellen Powers, and Beth Listerman. Absent: Chris Bennett.
Minutes of Meeting on
Minutes of Meeting November 17, 1999

Andy Venable MOVED and Eileen Coan SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE CAMLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING ON NOVEMBER 17, 1999. Ayes: Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Coan, Crehore, Duffett, Hartzell, Perdzock, Rom, Stepanian, Tschudy, and Venable. Nays: none. Abstentions: None.

CAMLS Bylaws

At its meeting on October 13, the Board discussed changing the composition of the Board by reducing the number of academic libraries from three seats to two. It was suggested that Mike conduct a survey of the academic library directors to determine their thoughts. The results of the survey generally approved reducing the number of academic library seats from 3 to 2 and that no division by size of library is necessary. Mike will notify all of the academic library directors as to the results of the survey, giving those that did not respond a chance to voice their opinions.

The Board also discussed changing the number of large library representatives from two to three, which would allow Akron-Summit County Public Library to have a permanent seat on the Board. A large library is defined as having in excess of 500,000 volumes, and perhaps this number should be changed to 1,000,000 volumes. The idea of rotating Board representation among the three big libraries with two serving on the Board each year was discussed.

The Bylaws Committee will meet in January to further discuss these issues. A recommendation will be brought to the Board at its January meeting, and the Advisory Council will then receive the required 30-day notification of the revisions. The recommendation will be reviewed by the Advisory Council at its meeting in March and voted by the Board that day.

The Board felt that the two At Large seats on the Board should represent a balance on the Board as far as size, type, etc. This should be a general practice but not become part of the Bylaws.

Contract Proposal for the Lakeshore Northeast Ohio Computer Association (LNOCA)

At its meeting on October 13, the Board discussed a proposal for a CAMLS/LNOCA partnership to provide continuing education to school media centers associated with LNOCA. The Finance Committee, which met on November 22, proposed inviting LNOCA's Educational Services Coordinator Joanna Hart to inform the Board what LNOCA is and the needs of their school media centers.

Joanna Hart explained that LNOCA is one of 23 Data Acquisition Sites (DA-Site) in the Ohio Education Computer Network (OECN) that "provides public and private K-12 schools in Northeast Ohio with hardware, software, staff development, and technology integration support." It serves any K-12, public and private, school.

There is some fear in the public library community about schools receiving money, but in reality, INFOhio and OPLIN have grown tremendously and have received millions of dollars in funding. Joanna commented that it is LNOCA's wish to bring schools up to the same level.

At the present time there is no place where a school librarian can receive continuing education and professional development opportunities. Many school librarians do not have an MLS or certification, and there is little understanding as to what a school librarian does. With this in mind, Joanna approached CAMLS about partnering with LNOCA to provide the much needed continuing education for school librarians. Terri and Joanna conducted a Training Survey to determine what training is desired, and how and when such training could best be delivered. Results of this survey, distributed to the Board, revealed that information literacy, evaluating resources, as well as computer skills, were mentioned as some of the most important needs.

In considering LNOCA's proposal, Terri talked with representatives at SLO, ASAE, CAMLS public libraries, and Regional Library Systems to gather ideas in developing an equitable assessment fee model. She is suggesting that CAMLS try a one-year LNOCA Consortium Pilot Project on a trial basis. The draft of the proposal recommends that LNOCA pay a fee based on the number of school media employees in the LNOCA membership. Each LNOCA registrant would then pay the fee of the workshop plus 20%. LNOCA would handle the registrations and mailings.

Statewide resource sharing calls for collaboration between public libraries and schools, and this liaison would break new ground by offering a membership to one of the DASites. It could then serve as a model for other sites.

The Board expressed concern that the problems of media centers will not improve with CAMLS training. Advocacy is needed. School administrators need to be educated as to the value of

school media centers. Perhaps CAMLS can provide some avenue to facilitate such an advocacy campaign for school administrators. Terri would like to make a presentation to the Greater Cleveland Professional Council to advocate for the school media librarian and to further educate administrators on how continuing education can assist media centers in providing support in proficiency testing.

The LNOCA Consortium Pilot Project to Reach Out to School Libraries Proposal will be presented to the Advisory Council and voted by the Board in January.

November Financial Report

The cash balance as of November 30, 1999 was $688,936. Expenditures will be higher in January due to the LSTA Proficiency expenditures. Carol Brown MOVED and Art Biagianti SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER FINANCIAL REPORT. Ayes: Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Coan, Crehore, Duffett, Hartzell, Perdzock, Rom, Stepanian, Tschudy, and Venable. Nays: none. Abstentions: None.

Library Leadership 2000 Budget

Mary Crehore MOVED and Andy Venable SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE LIBRARY LEADERSHIP 2000 BUDGET. Terri will give a full update to the Advisory Council in January, but she reported that the following have agreed to be mentors: Michael Lucas, SLO; Kathy East, Wood County District Public Library; Terri Fredericka, INFOhio; Greg Reese, ECPL; Susan Stroyan, Illinois Wesleyan University; and Maribah Mansfield, Worthington Public Library.

Payments over $5,000

Eileen Coan MOVED and Andy Venable SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE AN EXPENDITURE EXCEEDING $5,000 OF $5,540.00 IN THE LSTA PROFICIENCY PROJECT TO THE LEARNING COMPANY. Ayes: Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Coan, Crehore, Duffett, Hartzell, Perdzock, Rom, Stepanian, Tschudy, and Venable. Nays: none. Abstentions: None.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee - Mary Crehore reported that the Finance Committee met on November 22. Two items were on the agenda: 1) the first draft of the budget, and 2) the LNOCA proposal.

Personnel Committee - Art Biagianti reported that the Personnel Committee will meet January 10, 2000, to review the Gortz Report and staff evaluation materials.

Planning Committee - Eileen Coan reported that the Planning Committee met prior to the Board meeting to review a draft of the Strategic Plan. The Committee will meet again in January.
Bylaws Committee - The Bylaws Committee will meet in January to discuss changes to the composition of the Board.

Continuing Education Director's Report

Terri Pasadyn remarked on 2-3 highlights of the upcoming Spring Continuing Education calendar. A "Back to the Book" program, to be held at the Aurora Inn, will be modeled after one done by the Kansas Library Association. Two people from Illinois will speak on Reader's Advisory, and Floyd Dickman from the Center for the Book will be the luncheon speaker. After having attended an excellent program on Emotional Intelligence at an ASTD meeting and presented by the Weatherhead School of Management, Terri felt this would be a good program to develop for CAMLS. For the first time CAMLS will offer a distance education program, a MOO course presented by Diane Kovacs on small business reference.

Terri mentioned that she is developing a Management Training Series. Maureen Sullivan will facilitate with library directors to develop a core curriculum, and Rick Rubin will assist with the library component. Sari Feldman of Cleveland Public Library has also been contributing ideas. The goal of the project is to begin in the Fall of 2000 and will ideally have two tracks that will parallel the certification process.

Terri was commended for seeing the needs of libraries and pursuing these very exciting program initiatives.

Executive Director's Report

Mike reported that he attended two PAC training meetings presented by Jean Sylak and Gretchen Hamman, Project Coordinators for the LSTA Proficiency Project, on December 3 and 10, 1999. Software and hardware has been ordered and is arriving now in the libraries. He will be meeting with the Project Coordinators about taking this program "on the road" as part of the Regional Library Systems' statewide initiative.

Twenty member libraries will come in on the Microsoft discount program. Brad Stephens will be conducting a meeting prior to the Advisory Council meeting on January19 at Cleveland Public Library - Lake Shore Facility to go over the actual contract. This is a very attractive discount on Microsoft products over a two-year period for eligible public and museum libraries.

Fourteen member libraries will be participating in the substantial discount offered in the group purchase of the New Grove's Music Dictionary. The savings to participating libraries will be as much as $1,295 off the list price.


Donna Perdzock gave an update on the certification issue. The committee is continuing to seek input from libraries. She met in Huron County with 18-20 trustees and library directors, who are most concerned about certification. A revised draft of the document says that libraries that are in the lower 10% of LSGF funding will not have to hire a director with an MLS; however, that person will need to pursue further CE training. Public library directors currently in office will be grandfathered. The committee is moving forward and will revise the continuing education component.

Eileen announced that she will begin her new position at The Gathering Place on January 3.

Report of the State Library of Ohio Liaison

Floyd Dickman reported that the State Library has received 86 mini-grants, 79 of which are eligible - 21 from public, 2 from academic, and 55 from school libraries. Grants will be rewarded on September 23.

Floyd will retire from the State Library on December 31, 1999 and will do some private consulting. The Board conveyed to Floyd that it has enjoyed working with him over the years.

Mary Crehore MOVED and Andy Venable SECONDED a motion TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 11:40 A.M.

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