Call To Order: | |
The meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m. by President Mary Crehore. In attendance: Cynthia Glunt Bailie, Mary Crehore, Gorman Duffett, Edrice Ivory, Ellen Stepanian, Lisa Stevens, and Karen Tschudy; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Terri Pasadyn, and Beth Listerman. Absent: Joan Clark, Vickie Hartzell, David Jennings, Marti Miller, Leslie Polott, and Cristine Rom | |
Minutes of Meeting on | |
Minutes of Meeting June 21, 2000 | |
Edrice Ivory MOVED and Cindy Glunt Bailie SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE CAMLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING ON JUNE 21, 2000. Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. |
Board of Trustees Committees | |
A draft of the FYoo/01 Standing Committees list was distributed. Corrections were noted. |
Reappoint Clerk-Treasurer and Executive Director/Deputy Clerk | |
Gorman Duffett MOVED and Ellen Stepanian SECONDED a motion TO REAPPOINT CLERK-TREASURER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/DEPUTY CLERK FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2000 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2001. Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. |
Oaths of Office for Board of Trustees, Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk | |
Mary Crehore administered the Oath of Office for the Board of Trustees and the Oath of Office for the Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk, which were signed by those present. |
Set Bond for Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk at $25,000 | |
Lisa Stevens MOVED and Edrice Ivory SECONDED a motion TO SET BOND FOR CLERK-TREASURER AND DEPUTY CLERK AT $25,000 FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2000 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2001. Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. |
June Financial Report | |
The June Financial Report will be distributed at the August 16 Board meeting. |
Payments over $5,000 | |
Upgrades, which include a Citrix server, an Internet Information Server, an HP laserjet printer, and 28 Microsoft software programs (7 Office 2000 and 21 Office Frontpage), have been ordered for the Electronic Classroom. Ellen Stepanian MOVED and Karen Tschudy SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF $22,343.00 TO BUSINESS SMARTS, INC. FOR COMPUTER EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE FOR THE CAMLS/CCPL ELECTRONIC CLASSROOM. Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. Mike gave an historical overview of the Electronic Classroom. CAMLS was awarded an LSTA grant in 1996 to establish an Electronic Classroom to be located at Cuyahoga County Public Library. CCPL maintains the equipment and owns the equipment after a year. In the Fall of 1999, Terri Pasadyn renegotiated the terms of the contract giving CAMLS more days of use of up to 58 days/year. The contract is effective until 2022. Cindy Glunt Bailie mentioned that the Foundation Center-Cleveland will have an electronic classroom in the Hanna Building and offered the use of it to CAMLS. |
Bank Balances as of June 30, 2000/Unrestricted Reserve Report | |
Both of these reports will be distributed at the August 16 Board meeting. |
Authorization of Clerk-Treasurer to Make Payments in Accordance with Appropriations | |
Ellen Stepanian MOVED and Cindy Glunt Bailie SECONDED a motion TO AUTHORIZE CLERK-TREASURER TO MAKE PAYMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2000 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2001. Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. |
Transfers/Revisions | |
Cindy Glunt Bailie MOVED and Ellen Stepanian SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS IN THE GENERAL FUND (100) - $1,842.38 FROM OTHER TO SALARIES AND $1,158.11 FROM CONTRACTS TO SALARIES; TO APPROVE A REVISION IN THE GENERAL FUND (100) OF $470.50 IN SALARIES; TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS IN THE STATE FUND (220) - $2,039.52 FROM CONTRACTS TO SALARIES, $943.46 FROM SUPPLIES TO SALARIES, $765.76 FROM FRINGES TO SALARIES, $50.61 FROM TRAVEL TO SALARIES, AND $1.78 FROM OTHER TO SALARIES. Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. These salary transfers and revision are needed to fine tune end-of-the year salaries. However, an explanation was requested as to why the funds for salaries had not been budgeted. (Mike later informed the Board that these funds were for the one-time merit increases for CAMLS staff.) |
Fund Transfer | |
Edrice Ivory MOVED and Gorman Duffett SECONDED a motion TO TRANSFER $22,841.70 FROM THE GENERAL FUND (100) TO THE NON-PROJECT FUND (601). Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. These are unused, unappropriated funds to be used for Electronic Classroom upgrades. |
CAMLS Union List of Periodical Holdings | |
At the present time CAMLS has about 65 sets of the 1996 CAMLS Union List of Periodical Holdings, and Mike suggested a means for getting these into libraries. Gorman Duffett MOVED and Lisa Stevens SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE FREE DISTRIBUTION OF THE REMAINING COPIES OF THE CAMLS UNION LIST OF PERIODICAL HOLDINGS TO ANY INTERESTED MEMBER LIBRARY, INCLUDING LNOCA LIBRARIES, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. Ellen Stepanian MOVED and Edrice Ivory SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE FREE DISTRIBUTION OF THE REMAINING COPIES OF THE CAMLS UNION LIST OF PERIODICAL HOLDINGS TO ANY INTERESTED LIBRARY, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2000. Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. |
Approval of Appropriation for Non-Project Fund | |
Gorman Duffett MOVED and Ellen Stepanian SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION OF $60,000 FOR THE NON-PROJECT FUND (601) FOR FY00/01. Ayes: Bailie, Crehore, Duffett, Ivory, Stepanian, Stevens, and Tschudy. Nays: none. Abstentions: None. |
Bylaws Revision | |
The current Bylaws states that the CAMLS Board of Trustees is composed of thirteen full members and one non-voting member from an Associate library. At the present time, there are only 3 Associate members in CAMLS, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to fill the non-voting member position to the Board. None of the 3 Associate members was able to serve on the CAMLS Board this term. As a solution, the position could be open to anyone, or the category could be eliminated. After discussion, the Board preferred eliminating this category and keeping the number of Board members at 13. This issue will be referred to the Bylaws Committee for its review and recommendation. |
Continuing Education Director's Report | |
Library Leadership Ohio. Terri Pasadyn reported that the LLO's Selection Committee has announced the candidates for this year's LLO. The mix is diverse including candidates from 8 academic, 3 school and 2 special (SLO and INFOhio) libraries. OELMA will be providing scholarships to the school candidates, and ALAO will be providing an undetermined as yet amount for 4 ALAO academic applicants who requested scholarship money. As well, 4 applicants will each receive $150 from the Millie Covey Fry Scholarship Fund. Terri commented that a number of the people who applied had over 10 years of experience. Though this is beyond the parameters of LLO, it indicates that there is a need for executive leadership training. Management Training Initiative. In April Maureen Sullivan facilitated a brainstorming meeting for CAMLS directors at which 22 attended. A Task Force was formed and will meet on July 14 to discuss curriculum. Dr. Abramovitz from CWRU-Mandel Center for Non-Profit Organizations will present models. KSU-SLS has been invited to be a part of the process. This program lends itself to those who have been in leadership for awhile but need additional training. Money may be a factor although discretionary funds could be available for scholarships, and an LSTA grant is a possibility. Committee Orientation for Officers. A Committee Orientation for Chairpersons and Secretaries was held on June 28 to brainstorm and plan programs for the coming year. These programs are posted on the CAMLS website and are available to all staff who wish to attend. The Children's Services Committee has been struggling as to its role and is reinventing itself. Cuyahoga County Public Library has offered to all CAMLS members an opportunity to attend CCPL's Children's Services Meetings. Again, these will be posted on the website. CULPH. Terri has been working with Bob Carterette and Sari Feldman at Cleveland Public Library to extract the CAMLS Union List records to be on the CAMLS website. The Union List would appear both on the CPL database as well as the CAMLS website. It is estimated that the cost will be $780 which CPL will assume. She commented that there needs to be a policy about libraries that drop out of CAMLS and whether to update/include their holdings. Continuing Education. Elaine is moving the CAMLS website from OHIONET to a local vendor. Since this will take up to 2 weeks, the fall offerings will not be on the CAMLS website until early August. Terri highlighted some of the upcoming programs: Winsoft is offering two new programs, Document Management and Forms, and will have two sessions on Outlook 2000. Two workshops will focus on the role of Young Adult Librarians and Outreach Librarians. Why YA's will be held on September 29 with Cathi Dunn MacRae, Editor of VOYA, as the keynote speaker. Directors and supervisors to young adult librarians will be invited to attend this keynote address. Carol Sheffer has been invited to evaluate outreach services and their value to libraries. Outreach librarians and their directors/supervisors are encouraged to attend this half-day workshop on October 25. CAMLS will again partner with SOLINET to present a Copyright Law workshop on September 22 with Dr. Laura Gasaway as the speaker. ALA Conference. Terri attended an Assembly Meeting at ALA on Information Literacy. Information Literacy/Community Partnership is a presidential initiative, and Terri will be investigating incorporating this into CAMLS programming. Also at ALA, Terri became aware of a public relations campaign to promote libraries and librarianship. ALA will offer training opportunities for library staff to become advocates for libraries and librarianship. It was suggested that CAMLS invite someone, or to show the ALA video, at the September Advisory Council meeting to raise members' consciousness about literacy and this campaign. The Board felt that this needs to be a statewide initiative. |
Executive Director's Report | |
Ellen Stepanian shared with the Board her nomination to the ALA/ALTA Library Advocacy Honor Role. At a banquet the Presidents of ALA and ALTA read off the names of those who have worked on creating a partnership between libraries and schools. Five people and four organizations were nominated from the State of Ohio. Mike attended a video conferencing network session at Kent State University. This is a hot topic about which everyone will hear more. Carol Roddy of OPLIN is anxious to get this off the ground. Is this a possibility for an LSTA grant? On August 4 a Digitizers Interest Group will meet at Cleveland State at 1:30. This will be for those libraries that are already into this, and such networking will eliminate any possible overlap of effort. Mike questioned whether this is an area for an LSTA grant. Mike announced a group discount for the 26-volume "International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences." If there is a commitment from ten Ohio libraries, there will be a savings of $1,600. August 31 is the deadline. |
Announcements | |
Edrice Ivory has been invited to be a mentor for a library leadership institute in Baltimore with facilitators John Shannon and Becky Schreiber. |
Adjourn | |
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m. |