Library Leadership 2000


Library Leadership 2000 was developed by CAMLS and the Regional Library Systems in Ohio. It is a one-week residential leadership institute for 30 librarians from across the state who will become our library leaders tomorrow. These are the people who will fill the director and other management positions that will become vacant in Ohio's libraries during the next six years. During those years, incredible socio-economic, demographic, and technological changes will continue to take place and our leaders must ensure that libraries continue to serve as a key element in this state's info-structure.

The purpose of the third institute, to be held September 14 - 18, 1998, remains the same as the first -- to provide future Ohio library leaders a structured professional development opportunity to:

  1. Examine their own leadership style in depth.
  2. Gain knowledge and skills needed for effective leadership in a rapidly changing environment.
  3. Identify their professional and personal goals.
  4. Develop a network of professional peers with whom they will continue to work for years to come.
  5. Have one-on-one time with mentors (nationally recognized library leaders) during which the participant determines the focus and topics for discussion.
  6. Assess the political/library situation in Ohio and to determine their role.

Mentors have included the following nationally recognized librarians: Charles Brown (Hennepin County, MN Library), Barbara Immroth (University of Texas at Austin, School of Library and Information Science), Sarah Long (North Suburban Library System, Wheeling, IL), Emily Mobley (Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, IN), Georage Needham (State Library of Michigan, Lansing, MI), Ellen Stepanian (Shaker Heights, OH City Schools), Andrew Venable (Cleveland Public Library) and Holly Carroll (Willoughby-Eastlake, OH Library).

Sixty librarians are grads of the the Library Leadership 2000 Institute held in 1993 and 1995. On Friday, September 11 and Saturday, September 12, 1998, graduates will be invited to participate in an Advanced Library Leadership session.

CAMLS received ALA's Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) Award for Leadership (July 7, 1996) for the development of this program.

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produced 9/13/96
copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System