Focus Group Service to Libraries

In response to numerous requests, CAMLS has developed a new Focus Group Facilitation Service for members and area libraries. Millie Fry, the Assistant Director, recently graduated from the RIVA Focus Group Moderation Training School in Washington, DC and will be available to work with library directors and trustees. Libraries may elect to use focus groups to obtain reaction to a design for a new building, voter response to a levy on the ballot, community reaction to a new service, employee response to a new benefit package being considered for adoption, or any new issue, service or product.

The focus group is the most frequently used method of qualitiative research. A gocus group consists of a discussion among twelve to fourteen people led by a trained moderator about a topic of particular interest to a client. The participants in the group have some common characteristics that relate to the topic discussed in the group. The moderator uses a list of subject areas to be discussed and stimulates a free and flexible discussion during a two hour session. Two sessions are generally held with different participants at each one. Sessions are usually audio or video taped. A final report is prepared for the client after the completion of the focus groups. Contact CAMLS if you are interested in more details about this new service.

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produced 9/13/96
copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System