Resource Sharing
Free or low-cost interlibrary loan between libraries is a major benefit of CAMLS membership. With the exception of Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland State University, and Cleveland Health Sciences Library, all CAMLS libraries loan without charge to other members. Cleveland Public Library charges for all interlibrary loans. Contact them for their fees. CAMLS members have adopted an interlibrary loan policy and an interlibrary loan form.
- Contracts for Resource Sharing
CAMLS contracts with Cleveland State University (CSU) and Cleveland Health Sciences Library (CHSL) to provide photocopies of journal articles that are not available at other locations in the CAMLS Union List of Periodical Holdings according to the following agreement: the first 75 articles requested and received by each library from both CSU and CHSL will incur no charge. The contracting libraries will keep and report statistics to CAMLS. Any articles beyond the first 75 will be charged to the borrowing library during the following year at a price set by CAMLS and listed in the Participation Letter sent to each member.
OCLC Interlibrary Loans for those who are not OCLC libraries are provided by Cuyahoga County Public Library (CCPL) to members who sign up for the service with CAMLS. The first $10 worth of OCLC ILLs placed are free.
Contact CAMLS for exact fees and further information.
- CAMLS Union List of Periodical Holdings
CAMLS member libraries contribute their periodical holdings information to the CAMLS Union List of Periodical Holdings which is housed on the CLEVNET system. CAMLS pays for data input and maintenance of the list for non-CLEVNET libraries. Search the CLEVNET catalog for the title of the periodical and view the symbols of the owning libraries. Make your request directly to the library.
- Delivery Service
CAMLS contracts with Pony Express Courier Corp. to deliver materials between members libraries in 24-48 hours. Members can also send materials to OhioLINK, NOLA, NORWELD, and MOLO members without additional charge because all are contracting with the same vendor. Each CAMLS library has a delivery service contact person.
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- produced 7/14/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System