Location: Hyatt Regency Cleveland in the Arcade 420 Superior Avenue, Cleveland Map
Cost: $35 CAMLS Members $45 Affiliate Members $75 Non-members Free for guests/speakers Veggie Available
Deadline: Wednesday, May 28, 2022 Limit: 100 Registered Now: 101 Contact Hours: 3
**Notes: PARKING $4.00 at BP America Building Garage 200 Public Square. Enter from either Euclid Avenue or Superior Avenue
Michael Gormanís Library of the 21st Century portrays technology as something to be incorporated into modern library services and as adding new potential to enhance those services. He will discuss the values and ethics that should underlie all our work in libraries. He will describe the central activities of librarians--reference, cataloguing, library instruction, collection development, special collections, etc.--and how each should be reinterpreted for modern circumstances.
Course Content
Mr. Gorman is the author of hundreds of articles in professional and scholarly journals. He has contributed chapters to a number of books and is the author or editor of other books and monographs. He has given numerous presentations at international, national, and state conferences.