Workshops Committee Programs Management Training Series Library Leadership Ohio
JUST ADDED! Hard Times, Tough Choices: Budgets and Decisions 2022
Tuesday, June 03, 2022
9:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM

Cuyahoga County Public Library
Administration Building


$25 CAMLS Members
$25 Affiliate Members
$25 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers

Veggie Available

Deadline: Tuesday, May 27, 2022
Limit: 35
Registered Now: 29
Contact Hours: 5

Registration includes materials and a provided working lunch

The current state of funding for Ohio's libraries requires re-examining your library's core principles and "business as usual" practices in the light of a whole new set of questions and challenges. This workshop will help you understand those questions, review the choices you've already had to make, and make informed (and legal) choices for next year's budget. Bring your 2022 budget with you and be prepared to discuss and work on your 2022 budget.

Hard Times/Smart Choices: Budgets and Decisions 2022 will be presented at the State Library of Ohio on June 3, 2022 and video conferenced to sites hosted by CAMLS, MOLO, NOLA, NORWELD, OVAL, SOLO and the Franklin Public Library. The daylong program features Pat Wagner of Pattern Research in Denver, Colorado whose topic is "How do Adjust Your Budget Strategically." Also on hand will be Jon Iten and John Vaughn, OLC legal counsels, and Lynda Murray, OLC Director of Government Relations. They'll answer audience questions to insure that your budget and staffing decisions are legal and sound.

Course Content

  • The 2022 budget planning process.
  • How to create an emergency strategic plan
  • Practical criteria for cutting budgets
  • How to rethink your long-term mission and goals.
  • Ask the Experts: Q & A
Audience: Library directors, clerk treasurers, HR staff, and interested trustees are encouraged to attend. Participants are encouraged to bring their 2022-2022 budgets, strategic plan, and their proposed 2022-2022 budgets.
Pat Wagner has worked with Pattern Research and its predecessor the Office for Open Network since 1977 as a consultant, researcher, writer and trainer. Before that, Pat worked in printing and publishing, business, theatre, nonprofit management and the literary arts. She has a liberal arts degree with an emphasis in print communication and performance. 85% of the programs Pat currently conducts are with libraries and library organizations such as state and national associations and state libraries, as well as host organizations such as universities. She has worked with the library community in 37 states, from Alaska to Florida.

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