Location: Cuyahoga County Public Library--Administration Building Electronic Classroom Map
Cost: $40 CAMLS Members $48 Affiliate Members $80 Non-members Free for guests/speakers
Deadline: Wednesday, October 15, 2022 Limit: 18 Registered Now: 8 Contact Hours: 3
**Notes: Fee includes materials.
This half-day, hands-on workshop will tackle the tough subject of Web-based plagiarism and cheating by kids and teens. You’ll learn how to teach kids about properly quoting and citing works and how to talk to them about cheating and plagiarism. You’ll also receive hands-on experience visiting some of the many pagemill Web sites that provide kids and teens with thousands of free book reports, essays and research papers. Learn to spot a pagemill paper, the many ways that teachers and homeschooling parents can create plagiarism-proof assignments, and most importantly what you as a librarian can do to help kids, teachers and parents.
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