Workshops Committee Programs Management Training Series Library Leadership Ohio
Microsoft Access 2000 Advanced
Wednesday, October 01, 2022
9:00:00 AM - 4:00:00 PM

Cuyahoga County Public Library--Administration Building
Electronic Classroom


$65 CAMLS Members
$75 Affiliate Members
$130 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers

Deadline: Wednesday, September 24, 2022
Limit: 18
Registered Now: 6
Contact Hours: 12

Fee includes materials.

Relationship types are reviewed with an increased focus on “Many-to-Many” relationships. To emphasize relationship types, students are given a project to create a specialized query within the confines of a many to many relationship. This course fills in the gaps and allows the student to create a fully functioning database application for both input and output.

Access 2000 Advanced is a two-day course taking place on October 1 & 2. This class was formerly titled Mastering Access, Level 1.

Prerequisite: Access 2000 Basic

Course Content

  • Access relationship types
  • Simplify data entry and record viewing
  • Simultaneously updating multiple tables
  • Query snapshots and Dynasets
  • Action queries to manipulate data
Audience: Designed for those who have completed the Access Basic course and want to create fully functional Access databases.
John Paul is the President and owner of Winsoft, a software training firm. He has been a professional speaker for over eight years. He routinely conducts computer seminars nationwide and is an expert in the Microsoft Office product line.

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