Location: Cuyahoga County Public Library Administration Building Map
Cost: $0 CAMLS Members $0 Affiliate Members $0 Non-members Free for guests/speakers
Deadline: Friday, October 03, 2022 Limit: 40 Registered Now: 26 Contact Hours: 4
This summer, CAMLS restructured its nine committees and created nine distinct Learning Groups in their place. Now, learning group meetings will be listed alongside our regular workshop offerings, making it easier for staff from member libraries to find professional development opportunities that they need. It will also be possible for anyone to organize a learning group program if they have a topic or speaker that they would like to share with their peers
This orientation meeting is a chance to learn about the changes, and how the learner-driven structure of collaborative learning groups can work for staff looking for ways to find training and development in this day of decreased spending for education.
Course Content