Workshops Committee Programs Management Training Series Library Leadership Ohio
Thursday, April 01, 2022
9:30:00 AM - 12:30:00 PM

Cuyahoga County Public Library - Maple Heights Regional

5225 Library Lane, Maple Heights, Ohio


$15 CAMLS Members
$20 Affiliate Members
$30 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers

Deadline: Thursday, March 25, 2022
Limit: 30
Registered Now: 8
Contact Hours: 3

Fee includes materials and refreshments

American adults are facing turmoil and turbulence as they plan for the economic and social changes of the new millennium. Where can they find someone to guide them through the complexity of adult career choice, develop a job search strategy or effective resume, review sources of career and educational planning materials? The InfoPLACE model, with 28 successful years as a public library based career planning resource is the answer to the above questions. Find out about the design of InfoPLACE, the collection and materials available to patrons, and what services are offered.

See what components of the InfoPLACE model you can use to better serve your customers.

Course Content

  • Review of InfoPLACE methodology and service
  • Introduce participants to vocational assessment materials and how adult interest inventories can be integrated with career information.
  • Instruct participants in utilizing a five step model for planning and implementing library career services and determining action planning steps.
  • Learn and see demonstrated career library organization integrating standard
  • Dewey structure and a specialized InfoPLACE arrangement.
Audience: Managers and Heads of Reference
Martin Jaffe MCC, CDFI, has been manager of InfoPLACE since 1992. Marty has presented numerous continuing education programs on adult career assessment/planning, career resources and balanced life planning in the United States and Canada for professional library, counseling and adult education organizations. He is one of 900 master career counselors certifed by the National Career Development Association in the United States. Martin is one of the co-authors of the widely distributed book/assessments written by InfoPLACE including, ABLE(Adult balanced life enhancement inventory), REAL WORLD RESUMES, and CACTI(core adult career planning inventory). His MLS is from Case Western Reserve University and he has a Master's degree in Adult Learning and Development from Cleveland State University.

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