Workshops Committee Programs Management Training Series Library Leadership Ohio
Thursday, May 20, 2022
9:30:00 AM - 3:30:00 PM

Cuyahoga County Public Library--Administration Building
Electronic Classroom

2111 Snow Road Parma, Ohio


$25 CAMLS Members
$30 Affiliate Members
$50 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers

Deadline: Thursday, May 13, 2022
Limit: 18
Registered Now: 6
Contact Hours: 5

Fee includes refreshments and materials

The Decennial Census collects data every 10 years about households, income, education, homeownership, and more for the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas. The data is used for apportionment of the seats in the House of Representatives. It is also America's source for population, housing, economic and geographical data. American FactFinder is the most current electronic system for access and dissemination of Census Bureau data on the Internet.

This one day workshop will make sense of the enormous amount of data available at the Census web site with an overview of American FactFinder and examples of specific searches.

Prerequisite: Basic Internet search skills.

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    Audience: Reference staff
    Audrey Hall is a Library Consultant in the Government Information Services Department of The State Library of Ohio. Previously, she has worked at the State Library for 16 years in Technical Services and in Government Documents as a Reference Librarian. As consultant, she is the liaison between the Federal Depository Library Program at the Government Printing Offices and the Ohio Federal Depository libraries. She also coordinates the state documents distribution and compiles Ohio Documents which lists all state documents received by the State Library of Ohio.

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