Location: Cuyahoga County Public Library Administration Building 2111 Snow Road Parma, Ohio Map
Cost: $155 CAMLS Members $155 Affiliate Members $300 Non-members Free for guests/speakers Veggie Available
Deadline: Thursday, May 13, 2022 Limit: 40 Registered Now: 41 Contact Hours: 33
**Notes: This is a multi-day series held at alternately at two lcations.
The curriculum focuses on three components: personal development, a deeper look at the foundation and function of libraries, and a critical look at the important role each employee plays in the library organization. Participants will meet for 5 1/2 days from March - July. The morning sessions of the first four days will be devoted to library topics while the afternoon sessions will be devoted to interpersonal growth. The fifth day will take a look at the future of libraries and how critical their role is in the library organization. A half day capstone session will culminate the series with a plan of action as participants look at their role in the library of the future.
Note: Registration is for all sessions. Sessions are at the CCPL - Administration Building (3/17, 4/14, 5/12, (6/9 is at Independence Branch of CCPL), 6/30, 7/14).
Course Content