Workshops Committee Programs Management Training Series Library Leadership Ohio
Microsoft Excel 2000 - Intermediate
Thursday, April 28,
9:00:00 AM - 4:00:00 PM

Cuyahoga County Public Library--Administration Building
Electronic Classroom

2111 Snow Road Parma, Ohio


$75 CAMLS Members
$85 Affiliate Members
$150 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers

Deadline: Thursday, April 21,
Limit: 18
Registered Now: 12
Contact Hours: 6

Fee includes materials only

Participants will greatly expand their knowledge of formulas as they are introduced to various logical, lookup, and time sensitive functions. File security will be discussed in great detail, as well as ways to improve the efficiency of spreadsheets through the use of range names and absolute cell referencing. This class will also focus on Excel’s database capabilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize more formulas
  • Securing Excel documents
  • Time saving data manipulation techniques
  • Cell referencing
  • Excel’s database capabilities
Audience: Individuals wishing to expand their knowledge of Microsoft Excel and increase the efficiency, and security of working with Excel documents.

Prerequisite: Registrants must have taken the Excel basic class or have demonstrated proficiency in Microsoft Excel 97 or 2000.

John Paul is the President and owner of Winsoft, a software training firm. He has been a professional speaker for over eight years. He routinely conducts computer seminars nationwide and is an expert in the Microsoft Office product line.

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