Workshops Committee Programs Management Training Series Library Leadership Ohio
Microsoft PowerPoint - Basic
Wednesday, April 20,
9:00:00 AM - 4:00:00 PM

Cuyahoga County Public Library--Administration Building
Electronic Classroom

2111 Snow Road Parma, Ohio


$75 CAMLS Members
$85 Affiliate Members
$150 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers

Deadline: Wednesday, April 13,
Limit: 18
Registered Now: 1
Contact Hours: 6

Fee includes materials only, lunch on your own

Presenting yourself to an audience accounts for some of the most important time you spend during your day. Present with more impact and increase retention rates by incorporating graphics, charts, animation, and much more. This hands-on workshop will guide you through the basics of using Microsoft PowerPoint to support your presentations. You'll learn how to create electronic presentations and important support materials like outlines,handouts, slides, and overheads. Come prepared with an upcoming project idea and plan to create and present the project.

Course Content

  • Understand what PowerPoint is and what it can do
  • Explore situations and circumstances where PowerPoint can be helpful
  • Develop your content
  • Apply menus, toolbars, and other shortcuts
  • Consider special tools and resources
  • Present your content
Audience: Library directors and managers, trainers, reference librarians, children's librarians, and any staff who frequently make presentations
David Bullock David Bullock has been in the presentation business since 1983, developing content for media production companies before joining Cuyahoga County Public Library in 1987. David is the manager of the Library's Media Services department where he and his team work with library management and staff to create media content for staff and public training, publicity, and general informational needs targeted for live, recorded, and web-based delivery.

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