Location: Westlake Porter Public Library . 27333 Center Ridge Road Westlake, Ohio Map
Cost: $35 CAMLS Members $40 Affiliate Members $75 Non-members Free for guests/speakers Veggie Available
Deadline: Thursday, October 03, 2022 Limit: 35 Registered Now: 35 Contact Hours: 6
**Notes: Fee includes lunch and materials
The day begins with an overview of databases from the three state networks: OPLIN, OhioLINK and INFOhio . You’ll be introduced to a number of valuable education resources and identify the best sources for scholarships and grants. Furthermore, you’ll take a glimpse of Ohio history resources in anticipation of the onslaught of bicentennial queries.
Join your colleagues for a lively day of networking and new information. This year’s featured library is the Cleveland Zoo. The collection is developed primarily to support zookeepers and staff, but you'll learn how else this unique collection can be useful to others. Discover the breadth of the zoo’s information resources and meet a four-legged guest or two.
Course Content