Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Twinsburg
Cost: $40 CAMLS Members $40 Affiliate Members $80 Non-members Free for guests/speakers
Deadline: Saturday, March 22, 2022 Limit: 35 Registered Now: 21 Contact Hours: 3
**Notes: Fee includes breakfast and materials.
A spirited, team approach has never been more crucial, so bring the representatives from your Board of Trustees and Friends group. Everyone will leave with a better understanding of how to make the team more effective, new ideas for fundraising and a renewed commitment to success.
Course Content
She has extensive experience in writing successful foundation and government grant proposals and is particularly attuned to the development challenges faced by small organizations. As Director of Major Gifts for a small college, Kathy cultivated the most successful capital campaign in the college’s history. She also has experience working with large organizations, having served five years as Vice President for Community Development and President of the Foundation for a two-hospital system with over 1,000 employees. Today, Kathy is President of Faro Enterprises which provides business development and fundraising services, consulting, training and workshops throughout the United States.