Data/Social Sciences Librarian (posted 2-5)
- Title: Data/Social Sciences Librarian (posted 2-5)
- Name of Organization: Cleveland State University Library
- Location: Cleveland, Ohio
- Hours:
- Salary: $29,500 - $32,000, rank and salary depend on qualifications and experience.
- Principal duties: Position will be involved in an innovative program working with the Urban College's NODIS (Northern Ohio Data & Information Service) to provide statistical data to campus users. The librarian proposes policies, procedures, and initiatives for the overseeing and promoting of an electronic data archives; works with NODIS as assigned to coordinate service, outreach, training, and product development; selects numerical and statistical databases and other materials for the library's social science collections; coordinates and participates in teaching classes, seminars, and workshops; participates in patron assistance and reference; serves on library teams and contributes to library decision making; engages in scholarly, professional and service activities.
- Qualifications/Requirements: MINIMUM: ALA accredited MLS; experience using statistical and geographic electronic databases, including GIS, and related software, such as ArcView; familiarity with microcomputer environments related to data labs; demonstrated leadership in providing electronic statistical and geogrpahic data services to all levels of researchers; strong interpersonal and communication skills; strong public service orientation. PREFERRED: Advanced degree in social sciences; work experience in an academic environment; demonstrated proficiency with social science statistical packages (SAS, SPSS, STATA). Start date is July 1, 1998.
- Contact: Lynette Johnson, Cleveland State University Library, Room 501, Cleveland, OH 44115
- Submit: Send cover letter, full resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references.
- Deadline: April 1, 1998
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System