Distance Learning/Education Librarian (posted 2-5)
- Title: Distance Learning/Education Librarian (posted 2-5)
- Name of Organization: Cleveland State University Library
- Location: Cleveland, Ohio
- Hours:
- Salary: $29,500 - $32,000, rank and salary depend on qualifications and experience.
- Principal duties: Position will be involved in an innovative program working with the College of Education. Responsibilities include: development and oversight of the Library's program of services to distance learners; selection of print, multimedia and electronic resources for the Library's education/curriculum materials collection; and leadership in the creation and use of emerging technologies in the site, teaching information skills, and assisting faculty in the classroom use of technology. Participates in teaching classes, seminars, and workshops; participates in patron assistance and reference; serves on library teams and contributes to library decision making; engages in scholarly, professional and service activities.
- Qualifications/Requirements: MINIMUM: ALA accredited MLS; background in Education; strong interpersonal and communication skills; PREFERRED: Demonstrated experience in distance learning; advanced degree in education from an accredited institution; demonstrated expertise in instructional technology; demonstrated expertise in developing instructional web pages; demonstrated experience in coordinating campus wide programs. Start date is July 1, 1998.
- Contact: Lynette Johnson, Cleveland State University Library, Room 501, Cleveland, OH 44115
- Submit: Send cover letter, full resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references.
- Deadline: April 1, 1998
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System