Supervisor, Outreach Services Department (posted 9-2)
- Title:Supervisor, Outreach Services Department (posted 9-2)
- Name of Organization: Lorain Public Library System
- Location: 351 Sixth Street, Lorain, OH 44052-1770
- Hours: Full-time, 38 hours per week
- Salary: $34,244 - $42,000 per year depending on experience; excellent benefits
- Principal duties: The Lorain Public Library System is looking for a visionary, community oriented librarian to head its Outreach Services Department with a staff of 8.5 fte's. Responsible for the supervision, planning, and implementation of outreach services for the elderly, disabled, and institutionalized through the Homebound, Books by Mail, Bookmobile and Adult Literacy Programs.
- Qualifications/Requirements: M.L.S. from ALA-accredited library school; considerable relevant professional library experience required. Good supervisory skills, good organization skills, and ability to communicate effectively required.
- Contact: Kenneth L. Cromer, Director, Lorain Public Library System, 351 Sixth Street, Lorain, OH 44052, (440) 244-1192
- Submit: Application packet
- Deadline: Position open November 28, 1998. Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is selected.
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System