Public Services Assistant - Children's
- Title: Public Services Assistant - Children's
- Name of Organization: Cuyahoga County Public Library
- Location: Berea, OH
- Hours:16 hours per week, which will include some Saturday, Sunday and evening hours
- Salary:$12.17 / hour
- Principal duties:Provide direct library service to the public, i.e., reference, reader guidance, outreach; prepare and present programs suited to the needs of children and adults concerned with children, e.g., storytelling, book talks, etc.
- Qualifications/Requirements:Bachelor's degree, basic familiarity with public service and a broad reading background extensive enough to guide the public in their choice of reading materials.
- Contact:Applications may be obtained by calling the Human Resources Division (216) 749-9464, 1-800-749-5560, or by picking one up from any of the 28 local branches.
- Submit:Completed applications can only be returned at the Administration Building, 2111 Snow Road, Parma, OH 44134.
- Deadline:By 5:00 p.m. on June 17, 1997
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System