Library Media Specialist - 3 positions (posted 7-7)


Title: Certificated Library Media Specialist - 3 positions (posted 7-7)
Name of Organization: Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District
Principal duties:All schools in the CHUH District use the Clevnet automated library system and have Internet access. The District has a central media office to handle all library media ordering and processing, freeing the library media specialist to select materials, provide resource support to teachers, and carry out learning activities and reader guidance with students. A strong staff development program is in place to support the expanding role of the library media specialist. The elementary schools are K-5 and enrollments range from 300 to 450 students.
Qualifications/Requirements:ALA accredited MLS
Contact:For more information please contact:Kay Coss, Coordinator of Educational Resources, Educational Resources Center, Taylor, 14780 Superior Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118-2143. Phone: (216)371-7401, fax: (216)371-7437

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produced 9/26/96
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