Computer Center Monitor (posted 1-23)
- Title: Computer Center Monitor (posted 1-23)
- Name of Organization: Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library
- Location: Main Library - 2345 Lee Road
- Hours: 10-16 hours per week covering afternoons, weekday evenings and weekends.
- Salary: $8.0961/hour; some benefits
- Principal duties: Make customers' reservations, help to maintain microcomputers (i.e. installing software, running backups, hard disc management, etc.), assist customers with word processing and other duties as assigned.
- Qualifications/Requirements: High school graduation or equivalent and good public service skills required. Knowledge of MSDOS, Windows NT, Macintosh OS, MSOffice Suite and TCP/IP Protocols on an Ethernet LAN preferred.
- Contact: Human Resources Department, Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library, 2345 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
- Submit: Resume
- Deadline: Postmarked no later than February 14, 1998.
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System