Head, Fine Arts & Special Collections (posted 10-16)
- Title: Head, Fine Arts & Special Collections (posted 10-16)
- Name of Organization: Cleveland Public Library
- Location: 325 Superior Avenue
- Hours: Full-time
- Salary: Competitive
- Principal duties: Plans and supervises the activities of a large subject department in the Main Library. Supervises staff, including scheduling/assigning work and measuring performance.
- Qualifications/Requirements: ALA accredited master's degree in library science. Knowledge of one or more oriental languages. Knowledge of preservation techniques. Experience with rare book collections. Evidence of successful grant proposals. Familiarity with the game of chess. Background in music and art.
- Contact: Joan Brown, Head, Human Resources, Cleveland Public Library, 325 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44ll4-l27l
- Submit: Resume and references.
- Deadline: Position will remain open until filled.
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System