Training, Technology & Services Coordinator
- Title: Training, Technology & Services Coordinator
- Name of Organization: Elyria Public Library
- Location: Elyria, OH
- Hours:
- Salary:Listed with qualifications
- Principal duties:Responsible for coordinating public services technology and training for staff and patrons. Trains and aids staff and public on use of PCs and the internet. Coordinates staff training for public service and supervisory skills including performance planning and review methods. Coordinates amplification of collection development policies. Supervises Circulation Department Heads, Maintenance Department Heads, and Project: READ Coordinator. Works on public service desk on a weekly basis. Works for the Director, and with the Adult Services Coordinator, the Children's Services Coordimator and Department Heads throughout the library.
- Qualifications/Requirements:If Pay Grade 26: Salary is $14.31 / hour with an MLS from an ALA accredited program and a minimum of 5 years experience with progressive levels of responsibility, a record of above average performance and a record of success in directing the work of others or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience. If Pay Grade 21: Salary is $11.22 / hour with a Bachelor's degree and a combination of training and successful work experience that would enable the individual to accomplish most of the position duties.
- Contact:Don Burrier, Director, Elyria Public Library, 320 Washington Avenue, Elyria, OH 44035
- Submit:Apply by letter with resume and transcripts.
- Deadline:
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System