Professional Librarian (posted 8-18)


Title: Professional Librarian (posted 8-18)
Name of Organization: Cleveland Botanical Garden
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Hours: Full-time
Salary: Based on background and experience.
Principal duties: Responsibilities include reference service, ordering, care of rare book collection, preparation of budgets and reports, working with staff and volunteers. Subject fields include gardening, horticulture, landscape architecture, flower arranging, and botany.
Qualifications/Requirements: MLS from an ALA accredited school with an undergraduate degree in one of the plant sciences or a strong interest in plants and gardening preferred. Good people skills and a desire to work with a a diverse public. Strong organizational skills and the flexibility and creativity to work in a complex environment essential. Knowledge of the Internet, database searching, library automation and electronic information technology.
Contact: Joanna Bristol, Director of Information Services, Eleanor Squire Library, 11030 East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106. Phone: (216) 721-1600, fax: (216) 721-2056, e-mail: [email protected].
Submit: Send letter of application

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produced 9/26/96
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