Reference & Media Center Librarian (posted 7-29)


Title: Reference & Media Center Librarian (posted 7-29)
Name of Organization: Lake Erie College
Location: Painesville, Ohio
Principal duties: Responsibilities consist of: reference, acquisitions, ILL, supervising student workers, and Education Media Center.
Qualifications/Requirements: MLS from an ALA accredited library school; familiarity with the broad spectrum of reference materials and with methods of bibliographic instruction; knowledge of a modern European language and automated library systems and trends; training and/or experience utilizing electronic information sources and the Internet for research; and communication skills.
Contact:Director of Lincoln Library, Lake Erie College, 391 West Washington Street, Box M54, Painesville, OH 44077.
Submit: Send letter of interest, resume and three professional references.
Deadline: Consideration of applicants will begin immediately.

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produced 9/26/96
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