Bookmobile Librarian (posted 9-8)


Title: Bookmobile Librarian (posted 9-8)
Name of Organization: Lorain Public Library System
Location: Lorain, OH
Hours: Full-time, 38 hours/week
Salary: $24,878 - $26, 389/year
Principal duties: Responsible for maintaining bookmobile program serving rural and urban users of all ages. Assist in managing Outreach Dept. which also provides homebound, books-by-mail, and literacy services. Primary responsibility for bookmobile, including collection development and supervision of driver/assistant. Assist with scheduling and community relations.
Qualifications/Requirements: MLS from ALA accredited school of library/information science. Strong book knowledge necessary. Must demonstrate ability to drive 28' bookmobile. Must have valid Ohio driver's license and clean driving record.
Contact: Administrative Office, Lorain Public Library System, 351 Sixth Street, Lorain, OH 44052, PHONE (440) 244-1192, FAX (440) 244-4888
Submit: Request application packet.
Deadline: October 27, 1997, or until suitable candidate is selected.

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produced 9/26/96
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