Technical Librarian (posted 1-5)


Title: Technical Librarian (posted 1-5)
Name of Organization: UCAR Carbon Company
Principal duties: Primary responsibilities will focus on acquisition, cataloging and indexing materials to support a customized, in-house alerting program. Other responsibilities include providing traditional reference and research services using varied resources to support employees' information needs in science, technology, patents and relevant business topics.
Qualifications/Requirements: MLS from an ALA accredited library school, undergraduate degree in physical science with strong chemistry background, minimum of 2 years experience in a corporate or science/engineering library. Acquisitions experience is a plus. Candidate must be proficient in on-line database searching (Dialog, STN, Orbit), Microsoft Office and Windows 95. The successful candidate will have strong written and verbal communication skills, attention to detail, accuracy and excellent organizational skills. Position also requires a commitment to providing quality services to library customers in the format and time frame they require.
Contact: UCAR Carbon Company Inc., Human Resources, 12900 Snow Road, Parma, OH 44130.
Submit: Resume and salary requirements

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produced 9/26/96
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