Library Assistant (posted 1-12)
- Title: Library Assistant (posted 1-12)
- Name of Organization: Law firm
- Location: Downtown Cleveland
- Hours: Full-time, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
- Salary: Commensurate with experience.
- Principal duties: Duties include receiving, processing and routing all Library mail and materials. Must have ability to check-in serials and process claims for missing and damaged issues. This position also orders Library materials and supplies; assists in preparing Library materials for bindery; prepare acquisitions list; prepare weekly reports of Library acquisitions for internal notification; input bibliographic records into Library's online catalog; respond to requests for Library materials; and assist in shelving books.
- Qualifications/Requirements: Qualified candidates must possess working knowledge of a library's operations, as well as having strong computer skills, which includes extensive experience with word processing and database software. Good typing skills necessary. The successful candidate will demonstrate an ability to work both quickly and accurately and possess a strong service orientation. Educational background: Associate's degree or significant library experience.
- Contact: Library Assistant Position, Attn: HR Department, P.O. Box 141044, Cleveland, OH 44114
- Submit: Resume with salary requirements
- Deadline:
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System