Manager of Information Services
- Title: Manager of Information Services
- Name of Organization: The search firm of Rae Wyatt & Associates is currently searching to fill a position for their client who is a consumer based media company
- Location:
- Hours:
- Salary:
- Principal duties:Responsible for the development and implementation of a consistent and comprehensive method of taxonomy. Will act as liaison with management and MIS teams.
- Qualifications/Requirements:Experience with high level database development and management of databases. Windows 95, Access and/or Informix. MLS and a minimum of five years experience in an Information Center. Ability to manage/lead information professionals (4-5), perform salary reviews, planning and administration.
- Contact:Susan Coffin, Rae Wyatt & Associates, 23896 Redfern Road, Columbia Station, OH 44028. Phone: 216/236-3034, fax: 216/ 236-3042
- Submit:Resume
- Deadline:
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System