Reference Librarian I
- Title: Reference Librarian I
- Name of Organization: Barberton Public Library
- Location: 602 West Park Avenue
- Hours: 35 hours per week
- Salary: $21,841-$28,393 ($12.00-$15.60 per hour)
- Principal duties: Duties include, but are not limited to, reference and reader's advisor; collection development for high school/adult non-fiction and fiction; publicity efforts in conjunction with others.
- Qualifications/Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, or equivalent training. (Applicants within 6 credit hours towards completion of the MLS will also be considered under certain conditions, and would be offered a position as Library Assistant IV, at $18,174-$23,626 or $9.99-$12.98 per hour). Wide range of knowledge and interests, experience with electronic resources. Creativity, enthusiasm, self-motivation, and highly developed communication and interpersonal skills are essential. Interest in fiction, sciences, and YA programming are a plus.
- Contact: Barbara Kirbawy, Director, Barberton Public Library, 602 West Park Avenue, Barberton, OH 44203-2458. Phone: (330)745-1194.
- Submit: Letter expressing reasons for interest, resume, references, and official graduate school transcripts.
- Deadline: Until position is filled
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System