Title: Assistant Building Manager
Organization: Willoughby - Eastlake Public Library
Location: Eastlake Library
Hours: 40 hrs per week
Salary: Hiring Range: $35,268 - $41,209; excellent benefits
Principal Duties: Assists in managing Eastlake Library, supervises pages, oversees building maintenance. Responsible for reference and readers advisory service. Provides instruction in the use of electronic technologies, and other public service activities. Participates in collection development and maintenance activities. Assists in promoting the Library in the community.
MLS or MLIS from ALA-accredited school. Diversified library background, preferably in public libraries, including experience in the use of current technologies and electronic resources. Varied reading interests. PC experience. Demonstrated supervisory, interpersonal, & organizational skills. Ability to interact productively with members of the library team in problem-solving and decision making. Ability to work days, evenings, and weekends.
Contact: Send or e-mail to: Diana Rogers, Deputy Director, Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library; 263 East 305 St. Willowick OH 44095. E-mail: [email protected]
Submit: None Given
Deadline: Monday, January 5, 2022