Title: Director
Organization: Loudonville Public Library
Location: None Given
Hours: None Given
Salary: mid $40''s and up
Principal Duties: Library Director The Loudonville Public Library, Loudonville, Ohio is looking for a community leader to direct its library! Loudonville, strategically located between Cleveland and Columbus, is a vacation and recreation destination and a community that values education. Cost of living is very reasonable with great housing options. It is within 30 minutes of some of the Midwest's finest colleges and universities. The library, http://www.loudonville.lib.oh.us, serves a community of 10,000 with a beautiful, recently expanded library, a budget of $750,000+ and an FTE of 14. Primary challenges are: creating a team environment, utilizing a talented and motivated staff, improving an already high level of public service, and ensuring the future of the library as the center of the community. Salary negotiable from mid 40''s and up based on experience. Excellent vacation, health and retirement benefits.
MLS or MLS candiate with demonstrated management skills, EOE.
Contact: Contact Corbus Library Consultants: [email protected] Corbus Library Consultants 11490 Foxhaven Drive Chesterland, OH 44026 (440) 729-3005 Cellular: (440) 796-1230 www.libraryjobs.com
Submit: None Given
Deadline: Open Until Filled