Title: Adult Services Librarian
Organization: Shaker Heights Public Library
Location: None Given
Hours: Full Time 40 hours per week
Salary: None Given
Principal Duties: Shaker Heights Public Library is seeking a creative, enthusiastic, customer-oriented Librarian for a full time position. Responsibilities include providing reference and readers’ advisory services, assisting customers in locating, selecting, and reserving library materials, and developing and maintaining a part of the library’s collection. This position will have particular responsibility for developing and maintaining reference content for the Library’s web page.
This position requires an MLS from and ALA accredited school.
Contact: Shaker Heights Public Library 16500 Van Aken Blvd. Shaker Heights, OH 44120 Attn: Human Resources
Submit: None Given
Deadline: Open Until Filled, Application received by July 30, 2022 will receive first consideration.