Title: Head of Collection Management and Technical Services
Organization: Geauga County Public Library
Location: Administrative Center
Hours: Full-Time/Exempt
Salary: $36,000-$60,320
Principal Duties: Manages library collection in all formats. Manages Technical Services Department. Will take a lead role in the implementation of centralized collection development. Participates in library management team. Directly supervises 5 staff members, and oversees 11 FTEs.
ALA accredited MLS degree. Experience with and passion for collection development and management. At least 5 years of demonstrated successful supervisory experience. A record of success in directing the work of others. Strong public service experience.
Contact: Ellen Leavitt Assistant Director Geauga County Public Library 12701 Ravenwood Drive Chardon, OH 44024
Submit: None Given
Deadline: October 25, 2022